Serenity of the Emerald Moon

Serenity of the Emerald Moon painting by Ilene Satala
The story of this painting begins with the Moon. For centuries the Moon has been thought of as the symbol of the feminine principle. It is symbolic of the changes of the seasons and the moving of the tides in the oceans, the powers of cycles and of change.
The Moon disappears and reappears and rolls across the sky in a timeless dance that never ends, speaking to us of what has been and what is and what can be.
This painting is an invitation to be embraced in wholeness, as the Moon is a circle of unity. To let go of confusion and crisis and find a quiet place inside ourselves is an act of trusting and surrender. If we surrender we can also receive the wisdom of the ages. Life has many cycles that support us if we let them. I encourage you to open and receive Serenity.