Conrad Satala

Meditations on Wisdom

Conrad Satala
Meditations on Wisdom

Meditations on Wisdom

Meditations on Wisdom Wednesday 21 September 2022

Today’s Meditations on Wisdom covers the Eleventh Cycle - Daily Nawal Lunar Cycles:

Day 11 Wednesday 21 September Nawal Imo’x Cycle 17-3

Day 12 Thursday 22 September Nawal Q’iiq Cycle 17-4

Day 13 Friday 23 September Nawal Aq’abal Cycle 17-5

Many of the links will not open on this email. You will need to go onto my website and open the links there under Meditations on Wisdom. You can do a copy and paste from this email to my website into your browser from this link below.



Inner Silence :

Weaving Energy Intelligence Behind Everyday Life


First read the Cinquain Poem on the Tree of Life, then Press Play to Experience the Calling of the Tree of Life Force into your Body or Copy and Paste the link into your Browser to DropBox to play it there.

A cinquain poem is an unrhymed five line poetic form defined by words to express what you are sensing about each Daily Tree of Life Photo

The Heart of the Wisdom Teachings of the Tz’utujiil Maya Tree of Life in didactic Cinquain form:


Fragile Essence

Sprouting Growing Flowering

Unique Unknown Potentials Possibilities



“Meditations on Wisdom” are my personal notes reflecting upon my focus of how I approach and how I am Living Life weaved within the Mayan Subtle world forces of Paq’alib’al with my co-parternship relationship through Energy Intelligence.

These personal notes are that’s, unedited, raw, and at times grammatical, spelling, typos, and long sentence structure fully present. Each are freshly written, edited, and created to reflect the Ways of Living Life through Energy Intelligence, and are published each Wednesday and Saturday mornings at 6 am EDT. These reflect my first attempts in exploring my inner connections into the subtle realms of the Tz’utujiil Maya Forces of Living Light through the ancient ways of the Maya - “Ways of Perceiving – Ilah.” Exploring the ways of  living my life through the support and the living Presence of the Living Light of todays Wisdoms through the Daily Nawals and their ways of  communicating to me, through us, through Energy Intelligence.

You will be receiving a new format of the Meditations on Wisdom mailed out each Wednesday and Saturday mornings at 6 am EST.

This series of Meditations on Wisdom will focus upon: Inner Silence - Weaving Energy Intelligence Behind Everyday Life


For the remainder of this year I want to explore with you my awareness in my shifting identity of “Who I am.”  This year I began to explore my “I Am” not just at my spiritual level, not just at my personality level, not just through my outer appearance I see in the mirror, not just who I present to my outer world around me, not even as I perceive myself as the Living Nab’eysiil.

An audio of my reflections from Wednesday 24 August 2022 on my shifting I Am Identity. Audio - 4:19



I have spent a lot of time talking and sharing videos and information about how to Live Life as the Generator of Living Light Sunshine from within my core. These next 12 paragraphs I have published everyday for many months. I have rewritten this information a few times and re-weaved this into this final form below. I never have released the inner tools that are explored for this to occur. I will be exploring the tools I have developed and used for myself and with Ilene and with others in allowing this “Art of Remembering” to be renewed within my body and how his has given me the inner strength to allow my outer changes to be weaved in such a way that supports my Living Life from a place of my inner Living Light of sunshine.


New Today Wednesday 21 September 2022

Continually Exploring my Motivating Energy for my outer Actions

Over these last few days as I explored my motivating energy behind my various activities, I am always shocked how much of the time I can easily slip into an be motivated to get rid of certain pains. How motivated I am to accomplish certain challenges. How driven I am to be motivated to eat, or to move about. To especially be challenged to accomplish my goals of food or hydration or physical activities. How motivated I am to stop my monkey mind from focusing upon the critical ways I perceive myself. How easily critical I could easily slip into perceiving in various critical ways the actions of others around me. It is so easy to believe that the way I am currently feeling or the way I am currently thinking. Usually believing that this is the only way to perceive these various activities that I am engaged in is not just correct, but I also feel justified to myself or others for feeling challenged and upset by my or others actions. Of course this is what being human is all about to feel and think this way. Reactivity and separation and duality is my natural way is my  only way to be human.   


I can so easily engage into various these various activities, without ever questioning  myself to the “why am I about to engage in this activity?” So much of my motivating energy is driven by shaming, judging, comparing, frustration, hopelessness, competition, or achieving some end result goal. Even when I have convinced my self this is what true healing, or health, or being a whole person is all about.


The research over these last 10 to 15 years shows consistently that this type of thinking and emotional feelings effects the quality of outer objects-especially water and fluid substances. As now the current research shows consistently that both these forms of thoughts and emotional feelings also effect the watery gelled substances within our body and our brain barriers. How these various forms of motivating energy have a direct impact on the deterioration of our healthy boundaries within our cells, tissues, and various organ systems. Creating the term not just of a leaky gut, but also a “leaky” situation everywhere in our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual subtle body’s. This makes me vulnerable to various forms of toxicities that exist in my outer and inner environments. Creating a deterioration of the quality of inner Living Light I hold within me. Let alone the quality of Living Light I generate for my family, my friends, the people I work with, and everyone I am either directly interacting with. This has a direct impact even to those people I am thinking about live at a great distance away from me. I can slip into very easily and become part of a larger population of “leaky people” believing this is what it means to be human and to be caring!


Please keep reviewing the materials I have given you about water and open to the awareness of how these motivating energies are really effecting not just the water, but all forms of water substances both within me and outside of me and in other people, animals, nature, and all artifacts that I come into contact with. How easily I can be part of the “INJURY” to myself and to everything and anything around me. And equally become aware of how easily I can be part of the “REPAIR” to myself and to everything and anything around me. This is why throughout this long 260 days of this current Lunar Cycle I am focusing upon both my and others watery substances I am co-partnering with. Lunar Cycles are all about synchrony of rhythms that are always changing, not about a permeant relationship between cause and effect.


To bring myself into the Flow of the Living Light of Interconnectivity, I  need to shift that focus off of any and all end results. I am are here to increase the amount of living light energy pulsing through my body so that I can be a generator of Living Light of Wisdom for myself, my body, and then for the world around me. This is my core purpose for any and all activities today, including healing, health, and wholeness.


When I am focused upon healing, I am no longer trying to get rid of an existing  injury, illness or disease. I am no longer trying to prevent a disease or injury from occurring. I am bringing myself into the Flow of the Living Light of Interconnectivity. I am shifting my focus off of any and all end results even with healing. I am are here to increase the amount of living light energy pulsing through my body so that I can be a generator of Living Light of Wisdom for myself, for my body, and then for the world around me. This opens me to the inner Living Light of my Wisdom within me and the unknown possibilities held within my body for Rejuvenation, Regeneration, Renewal. This is my core purpose for any and all forms of healing. To the amount of fear I am either consciously or subconsciously am feeling, this hinders the full Flow of the Living Light of the unknown possibilities to be present.


I am opening into experiencing a felt sense of the Living Light of Love and the Living Light of Joy, for the opening within me for the variety of the various forms of the Living Light of the Presence of the Wisdoms waiting within me for expression. Through these Wisdoms. I am opening to my knowing that regardless of my struggles and challenges and pain in my body, there always exists within me behind all of this, my true abilities to also be sprouting the buds for the emerging flowering for the Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities that are naturally waiting to be available for my ability to be a generating Living Light for my cells. For my cells deserve from me for this flow of Living Light throughout my body for the new unknown opportunities I can offer my cells for a quality behind me in everything that I am engaging in living my life. I am open in allowing the forces of Nature’s ability for regeneration, rejuvenation, and renewal for the REPAIR of my various systems and organs. And for the forces of Nature’s ability for the regeneration, rejuvenation, and renewal and for the REPAIR of the various systems and organs within Nature. The Living Light of Interconnectivity and Flow allows the weaving within within my microbial world for cellular repair and cellular reproduction toward my unknown wholeness and my unknown qualities of health.


Play with the various forms of the K’unk’un Drum with images of the Tree of Life, supporting your awareness of all the unseen possibilities that are waiting to enter the various forms of flowering through your body right now.


Re-listen to the excerpt from Zach dialogue I read in “Finding the Beauty in Yourself, 5:47, and open to listen to and  deepen the importance of finding the beauty within yourself!


This is the link through Dropbox for this short video “Calling Nawals of Nature” 4:55.


The link for the Tree of Life & Drumming 9:09 is:


The link for the Tree of Life & Drumming and Wisdom Dances the Water 9:09 is:





My Purpose is to Live Life as the Generator of Living Light of Sunshine:


Here is a link to this blog I recorded on Tuesday 13 September 2022 from this writing:



My ToolBox for Entering into a Co-Partnership Relationship with my Energy Intelligence

Living my Life from my Energy Intelligence allows me to shift my on-going relationship within my cells from decreasing the “Rate of Injury” within my cells could be engaging in. Instead, Energy Intelligence through my inner heart focus increases my “Rate of Repair” within my cells. This is called healing.

The quality of my inner light is played out within the influence of my subtle energy body. Through the Presence of Living Light flowing within and flowing out of my subtle energy body determines my relationship to my rate of injury versus my rate of repair. Energy Intelligence allows the weaving together of the various qualities of Living Light to grow and generate this Living Light within me.

My Mind Intelligence can limit or even significantly reduce or even blocking the quality of my Living Light Presence that is naturally being produced. This section on my “ToolBox” are various ways I practice new forms of my Energy Intelligence to both transmute whatever my Mind Intelligence can create hindering my quality of Living Light for repair. Therefore stimulating my healing response. During the remainder of this year I will be focusing upon the co-partnership relationship I create with my subtle energy body and it Living Light Presence effects the quality of healing within my cells.

This is why I have started with the energy intelligence focus upon the K’unk’un Drum and the images of the Tree of Life. Regardless of what is happening within my body, or my thoughts and feelings I am focusing upon. In these experiences I honor the challenges I am engaged with in my rate of injury that has been my focus. Instead I am engaging my Energy Intelligence and the Living Light Wisdom that is held within my subtle energy body. Acknowledging that behind my injury exists a greater quality of my Presence of Living Light that naturally creates my rate of repair and healing.

Since the 1990’s my focus on myself and others was not on what created my injury or disease. Although it is important to identify where that focus is emerging from within my life. Regardless what my mind intelligence focus is upon my history, or the way I perceive the world events around me, or the various forms of toxicity that exists within and around my environment. Energy Intelligence through my relationship within my subtle energy body is stronger then and outer influence that exist within my life today. Even the toxicity of outer chemicals in my air, water, soil, food, or pharmaceutical substances I may be engaged with. At the heart of Energy Intelligence core is what Nawal Ajma’k, Day 6, creates within me that I am born with an ember of the First Fire behind all of creation. That this First Fire grows throughout my life in spite of everything and everybody I am engaged with. Nothing that can be created by humans either directly or indirectly, the Emergence of my First Fire is stronger to transmute anything and everything that is behind my injury or separation.

Then with Nawal Aq’abal, todays Living Nawal Day 13, its qualities of Living Light begins the Transmutation process in repairing whatever has been injured or separated within me. Finally with Nawal Toj Living Light Presence, Day 19, completes the cycle of Transmutation so on Day 20, Nawal Tz’e’, the healing repair process is stronger then the injury or separation we have been living.

During the next four days, open your inner awareness to this focus upon “Rate of Injury versus Rate of Repair.” Open to the inner knowing that your Energy Intelligence is stronger then your Mind Intelligence. That your Living Light for your Rate of Repair is being generated by the K’unk’un Drumming and the various sprouting, budding, and flowering Living Light of the Wisdoms that exist behind every injury or every separation. You are the I Am of Repair and the emergence of Healing. You are not the I Am of your injury, disease, or the separations and loss you are experiencing in your Life today.

One primary tool of “Energy Intelligence” I have used for many years has been the Tz’utujiil Maya K’unk’un Drum. In the last two Meditations on Wisdoms I have asked you to begin to explore the Living Light behind your own emerging, growing, and flowering “Tree of Life” with the K’unk’un Drum calling forward your subtle forces to support you in perceiving yourself and life around you from your inner Wisdom nature, as the K’unk’un Drum is being played behind these sprouting and flowering images.


Energy Intelligence through the K’unk’un Drum of the Tz’utujiil Maya:


“Open into an invitation within you through the subtle world forces of the Presence of the Living Light to build and create a relationship of co-partnership within you and your Living Light of your Tree of Life. Ask this to be weaved within your subtle energy body with the subtle and physical environment around you.

Allow yourself to open into your Inner silence within your physical body. Ask this felt sense to emerge into your awareness.

Reflect upon this Cinquain Poem that you are placed upon your path to perceive yourself and your life from this perspective:


The Heart of the Wisdom Teachings of the Tz’utujiil Maya Tree of Life in didactic Cinquain from allows an inner awakening within you, being able to perceive your emerging Light and the emerging Light that is available to be perceived in others and to be perceived in the world events around you:


Fragile - Essence

Sprouting - Growing - Flowering

Unique - Unknown - Potentials - Possibilities 


Re-listen to the excerpt from Zach dialogue I read in “Finding the Beauty in Yourself, 5:47, and open to listen to and  deepen the importance of finding the beauty within yourself!



Continue to explore the K’unk’un Drum in this different way of stimulating the Living Light within you for Repair and Healing. In this video you will hear two different K’unk’un Drums, one being played in the Temple House of San Juan Martín and the other in the Elder House of ma Pla’s Sequel. One of the various qualities of Living Light that are held within these Temple Houses is the “Calling the Various Nawals and Maria from all of Nature” forward.


Beauty emerges through all of Nature, and we as human beings are weaved into the fabric of everything within Nature. We are born from the Living Light of Nature. Our healing restorative Living Light that is behind our weaving within all of Nature, allows us to be the generator of Living Light that flows through us back into the outer physical world.


This is the link through Dropbox for this short video “Calling Nawals of Nature” 4:55.


Over the next few days I would like you to watch and experience through your body’s felt sense the K’unk’un Drum calling the Nawals and the Marias of Nature forward to be open to their Presence of Living Light to be weaved back into the fabric of your physical and subtle body’s. Open to your felt sense to feel this new emerging Presence of Living Light that is in the flow of the Interconnectivity within you being lived and supported through the inner and outer
Nature of Gaia all around you. Not just what you usually think of Nature in the outer physical world, but all the inner Nature within all of the Artifacts around you including the outer and inner parts of the buildings, all of the objects around you, and even the various forms of transportation you travel within.


In exploring the Art of Remembering that whatever I perceive of myself or my outer reality around me can be found within in this short video through the various stages of experience my sprouting, growing, and flowering as my myself as a unique Tree of Life. Just like I am able to perceive the various stages within the cycles of Flowering.  I am also able to perceive my Life from the  various levels of Wisdom that are growing and exists within me throughout each day. This awareness of how each perception I hold is somewhere within this spectrum of the various stages of growth in my flowering Emergence of my Wisdom. I never am a full flowering tree with each bud in full bloom.


Exploring this perspective has allowed me to relax and open to an inner place within me of a freedom of no longer needing to enter a place of inner judgement, or blame, or shame, or guilt, or questioning why is this happening too me now. So whenever I become aware of my reactivity and challenges, for whatever the outer reason may be including the diagnosis and the growing or various form of physical diseases and other physical challenges and limitations of my body. My Living Tree of Life has places of full flowering bloom where Wisdom is available for me in both my ability to perceive my current situation, but also is available for me for the unknown possibilities for my healing. Wisdom is at the core of my personality’s natural state of living for me. Through the Art of Remembering, I hold within me the various degrees of the qualities of Wisdom for healing through the various forms of budding that is moving through and towards my full flowering potential. There are always places within me where the buds are tiny and tightly and are being held together where my reactivity and challenges and separation are still present just waiting for me to allow my inner weaved Presence of Living Light to flow from these Wisdoms. For this is the journey of Living my Life I am exploring.


Through the Art of Remembering, that my flowering of Wisdom and Healing to enter into my full bloom can only emerge through a profound quality of inner Light that propels this flower to enter the full blooming of my unknown possibilities. So when the flowering is complete, the quality and depth of Light that it took to fall off the Tree is profound and now available within me for my choosing.


Although my flower when it falls off and is no longer available for me to perceive, there is an inner knowing that I have within me all the inner tools of Living Light to choose easily my perception of Wisdom within this area of myself, or with others, or these various event around me. Assuming I have allowed my inner silence to support me instead of the collective patterns around me. I am able to know that I have a free will choice of Wisdom or I have a free will choice for Separation and Reactivity. This inner place within me as a choice and awareness of both. This choice is my journey with this one part of me, or one part of me that I perceive in others, or one part of me in the way I perceive the world events I am aware of.


Let’s now start with the Tree of Life and the K’unk’un Drum calling forth the Nawals and Marias of all of Nature’s Forces of Living Light to weave me into my inner flow of Interconnectivity for the Presence of Living Light within me is supporting me through whatever challenges I am engaged within Living my Life today.


I first feel this throughout my whole body during my first play through of this 4:55 video. As I observe and perceive the various stages of sprouting, budding, flowering, I am opening to my felt sense of knowing that my whole body, mind, and spirit is being awakened to grow this Living Light Presence of who I truly am, my I Am. Knowing that my personality holds within the Living Light of my First Fire my living Light for Living. I ask this to support me especially within my physical and my subtle energy body’s.


On my second play through, I first open and ask to experience once again my flowing of my inner Presence of Living Light from before. So now I am building upon these previous foundation of my flow of Living Light in my Interconnectivity to everything around me. I am asking during this second play through in focusing upon one or several of the areas of my physical body that needs and an additional boost of Living Light from this Presence of Living Light that is available from my unknown floe of the possible. I ask this to emerge and grow me into my inner feeling of being fully supported within my flowering.


On my third play through were some areas of my physical body that is still being challenged, I ask to feel this area as being supported by the sprouting and growing of my tiny buds into the emerging of my various stages of opening.


During my fourth play through, I ask this flow of my emerging Presence of Living Light to flow through my whole inner and outer subtle and physical body’s, so I may feel the Interconnectivity within me and without everything around me. So I may haves a full felt sense of my inner body silence being supported through my unknown possibilities.


When I can find 20 minutes of time, I explore these four play throughs one after each other in one sequence. Then I rest into the unknown possibilities that whatever is flowing and flowering through my body’s inner silence, keeps sprouting, growing, and flowering me within my qualities of Living Light. I deserve to enter and to be weaved within my wholeness of my unknown possibilities of Living Light. I ask my core of my First Fire of Living Light to generate my flow into and through me and bring all of this within all directions around me including the room that I am currently within, and the building, and the land and sky beneath and above me is weaved within all the forms of Nature and to all of Humanity for my unknown possibilities to fully emerge. 


Whenever I am being directly challenged my my physical body, I explore this cycle of four play through weaving me and quickening within me my Presence of  Living Light into my world every 3 to 4 hours. As you partake on this exchange of Living Light through your experiences of watch this video again and again, allowing the K’unk’un Drum to call your inner forces of supportive Light to bring you along your path of Flowering your Wisdom for the yourself, for others, and for the world events around you to be weaved within the flow and the flowering of the Heart Behind Everything and Anything in my life today. I am engaged within my journey of emergence!




Saturday 10 September 2022

I briefly have discussed the relationship between Cellular Injury versus Cellular Repair. We cannot fully emerge into a healing cycle until our cellular repair is greater then what we are doing that creates cellular injury. Cellular repair can only happen when our input of Living Light is greater then the loss of our Living Light that occur through cellular injury.


I will eventually discuss what factors we are engaging in that creates cellular injury. But not right now. Instead the focus of my ToolBox information is all about creating Cellular Repair. These tools will increase our inner light energy and the flow of interconnectivity within our inner cellular and our Interconnectivity of both our microbial environment within our body and its flow into and through the microbial environment that surrounds us. This weaving between the flow within us into and through our outer environment of nature including the artifacts that humans have created that live around us in relationship with the Living Light behind our techno-world we are surround with. Yes the artifacts that humans create including our techno-world around us are all part of our supports system for the Living Light for cellular repair.


The key elements so far in our toolbox has been the K’unk’un Drumming and the imagery from the Tree of Life. As the K’unk’un Drum is calling forth the Nawals and Marias that support the weaving together of our Living Light within our outer Nature.


Then through our living relationship with the various stages of the growing within the Tree of Life images where the sprouting, budding, and flowering of our Living Light of Wisdom for cellular repair is always present and is ready to pass through any and all forms of cellular injury. We are allowing the development of our inner Living

Light to emerges through our cellular levels regardless of our cellular challenges and cellular injuries within our body’s. We naturally hold within us the ability to sprout, bud and flower our ability of growing our Living Light through these injuries and challenges within and and all of our cells. This begins the Art of Remembering that our core Wisdom of our Living Light is always present to flow through our sprouting, budding, and our eventual flowering regardless of our cellular injuries. Witness this through the strength of the journey of Living Light within these Living Images of the Tree of Life.


Today we will begin to focus upon our inner watery gelled substance that holds the toxicity of our thoughts, feelings, emotions from both within our Minds creation. Along with the toxicity held by various ways within the variety of the foods, air, and water that we digest within our body and what we are exposed to outside of us. I have talked about this in details earlier this year through these Reflections Blogs.


For these next few days we will explore two new videos that hold simultaneously two images from the various stages of the flowering through the Tree of Life. You will be able to perceive both a close up and a distance of the various stages of flowering in both of these videos.  The first video will hold these images with again the K’unk’un Drumming so that the Living Light from the Nawals and Marias to enter and be weaved within your body’s cellular patterns.


The second video will hold again the simultaneous images of the Flowering but this time with Beverly Rieger music from the album Wisdom Enters the World Through Love Track 4 Wisdom Dances the Water being played behind the K’unk’un Drumming for the Living Light from the Nawals and Marias to enter and transmute the toxicity within the watery gelled substances within your body to support the flow of the Interconnectivity of the Living Light to be weaved within your body’s cellular patterns. The toxicity that is held within our watery gelled substance within us adds greater to blocking our cellular repair from emerging. Explore these two these next four days as I will begin to speak to cellular injury more directly.


The link for the Tree of Life & Drumming 9:09 is:


The link for the Tree of Life & Drumming and Wisdom Dances the Water 9:09 is:


Enjoy your discovery of the felt sense of co-creating of the building your inner Living Light within you! Conrad


Wednesday 14 September 2022:

I want to revisit several videos we worked with earlier this year on Water. Become aware of as you review these the next few days that our focus for this part of our ToolBox is on our watery gelled substance within our body.

As you explore this material, take some in between time and review this video for the Tree of Life & Drumming and Wisdom Dances the Water 9:09 is:


Hold the simultaneous images of the Flowering but this time with Beverly Rieger music from the album Wisdom Enters the World Through Love Track 4 Wisdom Dances the Water being played behind the K’unk’un Drumming for the Living Light from the Nawals and Marias to enter and transmute the toxicity within the watery gelled substances within your body to support the flow of the Interconnectivity of the Living Light to be weaved within your body’s cellular patterns. The toxicity that is held within our watery gelled substance within us adds greater to blocking our cellular repair from emerging. Explore these two these next four days as I will begin to speak to cellular injury more directly.

Communicate the gratitude.

Communicate the Love.

Communicate the Nurturing.

Communicate that you deserve to experience your inner watery gelled substance to be vital, healthy, and filled with the living light for Regeneration, Rejuvenation, Renewal, of your watery substance for the Repair, the Healing, and the Unknown Possibilities for your body to be present.


YouTube Video links:

Are Memories Stored In Water Zach Bush 15:35


Water Blessings Song Guatemala 7:00


Speaking to the Water 5:08


The Consciousness of Water 3:13


Maseru Emoto Experiment in Gratitude  1:39


Maseru Emoto Water Experiments 5:00


Saturday 17 September 2022


Motivating Energy-What energy are you calling upon in your co-partnering relationships with the subtle forces within your body and within Nature all around you?


Each time I initially engage into various activities, “I ask myself why am I about to engage in this activity? For example, when I exercise, is it out of a sense of body shame? Is it a sense of frustration about my weight? Is there a sense of hopelessness about engaging in this exercise because I’ve done it so many times and I haven't lost the weight I had hope for?


To bring myself into the Flow of the Living Light of Interconnectivity, I  need to shift that focus off of any and all end results. I am are here to increase the amount of light energy pulsing through my body so that I can be a generator of Living Light of Wisdom for myself, my body, and then for the world around me. This is my core purpose for any and all activities today, including exercise.


When I am focused upon healing, am I trying to get rid of an existing  injury, illness or disease? Am I trying to prevent a disease or injury from occurring? To bring myself into the Flow of the Living Light of Interconnectivity, I  need to shift that focus off of any and all end results even with healing. I am are here to increase the amount of light energy pulsing through my body so that I can be a generator of Living Light of Wisdom for myself, my body, and then for the world around me. This opens me to the inner Living Light of Wisdom within me and the unknown possibilities held within my body for Rejuvenation, Regeneration, Renewal. This is my core purpose for any and all forms of healing. To the amount of fear I am either consciously or subconsciously am feeling, this hinders the full Flow of the Living Light of the unknown possibilities to be present.


Open to have a felt sense of the Love and the Joy of the Living Light of the Presence of the Wisdom within you of the knowing that regardless of your struggles and challenges and pain in your body, that behind all of this are the sprouts, the buds, the emerging flowering for the Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities of Wisdom is desiring to flow through your body and through you with new unknown opportunities for living life. Allow the forces of Nature’s Living Light of Interconnectivity and Flow to allow weave you within your microbial world for cellular repair and cellular reproduction toward your unknown wholeness and unknown qualities of health.


Play with the various forms of the K’unk’un Drum with images of the Tree of Life, supporting your awareness of all the unseen possibilities that are waiting to enter the various forms of flowering through your body right now.


Re-listen to the excerpt from Zach dialogue I read in “Finding the Beauty in Yourself, 5:47, and open to listen to and  deepen the importance of finding the beauty within yourself!


This is the link through Dropbox for this short video “Calling Nawals of Nature” 4:55.


The link for the Tree of Life & Drumming 9:09 is:


The link for the Tree of Life & Drumming and Wisdom Dances the Water 9:09 is:


K’unk’un Drum Purpose and Meaning

Here is a link to this blog I recorded on Tuesday 13 September 2022 from this writing:



Focus of my Invitation to the Presence of the Living Light Energies:

Note for the change in the words from Intention to Invitation!

During the last cycle of the Lunar Calendar of the Daily Nawals, I shifted from the word “Intention” to the word “Invitation.” Intention is a word used by my Mind Intelligence to describe what I want to happen as the end result of what I, my Mind is Asking. “Invitation” is what I want to experience in a co-partnership relationship through my Energy Intelligence.

So in the shifting in the use of the word to “Invitation” – instead, I am inviting you, the Living Light of the Nawal, create with me through your Living Light this unknown possibilities that I am requesting.

Initially it felt like a shift of wording. But as I spent time exploring the difference in my felt sense within my body behind these two words, suddenly the awareness of a stronger and deeper weaving was present through my “Invitation.” Enjoy exploring this subtle difference within your own body felt sense.  

Invitations for the Living Light of Nawal Imo’x Day 11 Wednesday 21 September of the Eleventh Cycle 17-3 of the Lunar Calendar

“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

“You the Living Light of Nawal Imo’x, weave me with the Living Light of Courage. Weave me with the Living Light of Strength. Weave me within the Flow of the Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities. Create my world into one that reflects my inner Co-Operative Nature behind everything I perceive.


“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

“You the Living Light of Nawal Imo’x, weave me and establish the Support and the Order within the Heart Behind Everything in creating the Living Light of the flow of Interconnectivity and Wholeness within me.

“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

“You the Living Light of Nawal Imo’x, weave me through any and all fluid systems. You flow through all systems of fluidity inside of me. You flow through all systems of fluidity outside of me. The Presence of your Light, Nawal Imo’x emerges through the Heart of Water. Your Light naturally transmute any and everything that blocks the flow of the Light of the Wisdoms to be present flowing through everything and anything both inside and outside of me.

“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

“You the Living Light of Nawal Imo’x, weave my brain into the flow of interconnectivity from the Light Behind the Heart of Gaia-Nawal Skirmeent. Assist me to experience the felt-sense of your Light of Wisdom has it flows through and weaves together my pre-frontal lobe into the flow and weaving between my right and left hemisphere, and through the flow and weaving of my Corpus Callosum and into the flow and weaving into my mid-brain and into the flow and weaving of my old brain. Continue this flow and weaving into my brainstem and throughout my spinal column.


“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

“You the Living Light of Nawal Imo’x, weave me with the Light of Wisdom that is behind everything into the flow of the living nature of Gaia. Weave me into the uniqueness of the Light of my First Fire and the supportive energies and Light Forces from Paq’alib’al-the place of all Origins of the subtle realms of the Tz’utujiil Maya.


“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

“You the Living Light of Nawal Imo’x, weave me into creating the flow of interconnectivity from the Primordial waters of the subtle realms, to the outer waters of the earth, and the fluid systems within me.


“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

“You the Living Light of Nawal Imo’x, weave me Into your Presence of the Light of Wisdom into transforming my brain and weaving together my Mind - my thoughts, my feelings, and my perceptions and my physical and subtle body’s into the flow of the interconnectivity of the heart behind all of Nature in everything and anything I experience. 


“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

“You the Living Light of Nawal Imo’x, weave me within the Heart of the Living Light of the country I am identified with, in the ways I choose the road I am on with creating a quality of Living Light – SunShine I generate in my Living of Life.


Invitations for the Living Light of Nawal Q’iiq Day 12 Thursday 22 September of the Eleventh Cycle 17-4 of the Lunar Calendar

“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”


I ask your Living Light of Nawal Q’iiq’,  allow me to begin to experience the Living Light of Self-Compassion for my current ways of perceiving and my current ways of living my life of limitations and separations around my 74 year old body.

“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

I ask your Living Light of Nawal Q’iiq’,weave me into choosing to Live Life from the perspective of my story of co-partnering with the Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities.

“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

I ask your Living Light of Nawal Q’iiq’, weave me into the resonance of the Living Light of the Wisdoms, along with the various others forces of the resonance of the Living Light within the Subtle Environment that are now fully available and waiting to explore within me.


“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

I ask your Living Light of Nawal Q’iiq’, weave me into a living co-partnership relationship and assist me into my emergence onto my personal Road for Renewal. I ask to receive your Living Light that is present behind the Heart of each one of these Wisdoms. Dissolve whatever the depth and breath is behind my subconscious mind is holding onto of my challenges and of my sufferings. Dissolve and untangle and unravel whatever perceptions my minds is holding that is limiting me from allowing my physical body to be fully restored at the age of 74 into my unique Living Light of Unknown Possibilities.

“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

I ask your Living Light of Nawal Q’iiq’, weave me into the Living Light of Love. Weave me into the Living Light of Joy. Weave me into the Living Light of Hope. Weave me into the Living Light of Nurturance. Weave me into the Living Light of Caring. Weave me into the Living Light of Empathy. Weave me into the Living Light of  Wholeness. Weave me into the Living Light of Interconnectivity. Weave me into the Living Light of Trust. Weave me into the Living Light of Blessings. Weave me into the Living Light of Gratitude. Weave me into the Living Light of Serenity. Weave me into the Living Light of Awe. Weave me into the Living Light of  Wonderment. Weave me into the Living Light of Silence. Weave me into the Living Light of  Lightheartedness. Weave me into the Living Light of Confidence. Weave me into the Living Light of Optimism. Weave me into the Living Light of Deserving. Weave me into the Living Light of Mystery. Weave me into the Living Light of Peace. Weave me into the Living Light of Empowerment. Weave me into the Living Light of  Contentment. Weave me into the Living Light of Beauty. Weave me into the Living Light of Felt Sense body. Weave me into the Living Light of Courage. Weave me into the Living Light of Sacredness. Weave me into the Living Light of Inner Calmness. Weave me into the Living Light of Steadfastness. Weave me into the Living Light of Inner Silence. Weave me into the Living Light of Dignity. Weave me into the Living Light of Equanimity. Weave me into the Living Light of Quality of Life. Weave me into the Living Light of Being in Innocence. Weave me into the Living Light of Unknown. Weave me into the Living Light of Integrity. Weave me into the Living Light of Vision of the Unknown Possibilities and the Unknown Potentials. Weave me into the Living Light of many other forms and shapes that are waiting to emerge as the unique Wisdoms within me.”

“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

I ask your Living Light of Nawal Q’iiq’, weave me into the relationships that supports the emotions of Living Life in a Cooperative Way. So that my physical body may continue on the road of full restoration at the age of 74 into my unique Living Light of Unknown Possibilities. I no longer am open to live from the realization of how much my subconscious mind is filtering the way I perceive myself and the ways I perceive others and the ways I am perceiving the events of the world around us.

“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

I ask your Living Light of Nawal Q’iiq’, you hold for me the capabilities to sweep away my interconnectivity to my subconscious mind. Sweep away the hold that my wounded experiences have been directly effecting me. Sweep away the deeply felt current wounded nature I am holding onto which is influencing my choices I have behind my Living of Life.

“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

I ask the Living Light of Nawal Q’iiq’ to sweep away the interconnectivity between my feeling of being overwhelmed with my current wounded awareness around my body again process.

“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

I ask the Living Light of Nawal Q’iiq’, weave me with the Living Light of Nawal Mosbel Joloom to sweep away all memory and all neurological connectivity between my feeling overwhelmed with my current wounded awareness around my aging body.

“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

I ask the Living Light of Nawal Q’iiq’, weave me with the Living Light of Rei Pascal to communicate with the Regenerative Light of my Soul and place me on the path that is available for me to be weaved with the Living Light of the Wisdoms and the Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities available for my restoration of my 74 year old body.

“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

I ask the Living Light of the Nawal Q’iiq’, weave me with the Living Light of Nawal Na’ooj to bring forward the Living Light of the Wisdoms.

“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

I ask your Living Light of Nawal Q’iiq’, weave me with the Living Light of the Rilaj Maam, you who are the specific holder of the Living Lights of the Wisdoms in my Living of Life from my restored body Living Light of my Unknown Possibilities.

“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

I ask your Living Light of Nawal Q’iiq’, weave me with the Living Light of Maria Kastilyaan, you who are the holder of the Living Light of the Wisdoms from the Subtle Realms, assist me in my restoration of my body’s unique Living Light of Unknown Possibilities.


“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

I ask your Living Light of Nawal Q’iiq’, weave me with the Living Light of Yaxper-the Great Weaver, you who are the holder to birth me into my new Living Light of Wisdoms. Assist in the dissolving of my old threads of my neurological patterning. I am asking the Rilaj Maam to bring the Living Light of my new Neurological patterning that will support me in Living the Light of the Wisdoms.

If I cannot remember any of the Tz’utujiil Maya names for the Living Light of these Subtle Forces of Energy. I simply begin the petitioning “to sweep away, blow away, breath within me the Living Light in dissolving the hold that my wounded perceptions have on me.” “Clear my brain of any old neurological patterning. Allow the Neuroplasticity to weave together my new neurological patterns to support me in Living Light of the Wisdoms.

Invitations for the Living Light of Nawal Aq’abal Day 13 Friday 23 September of the Eleventh Cycle 17-5 of the Lunar Calendar

“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

“You the Living Light of Nawal Aq’abal, you share three qualities of Living Light for the journey of Transmutation. Together your subtle forces of Light are weaved into and forming a new Presence of Light that is able to Transmute anything and everything that stands in the way so that the Light of First Fire may always be present.

“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

“You the Living Light of Nawal Aq’abal, you are able to Transmute any darkness, any challenges, any suffering, any dualities, any illness that is hindering the flow of the Wisdoms to emerge and support me in Living Life. Your foundational Presence of Transmutation is held by this Light of First Fire through the Living Light of Nawal Ajma’k. Your Presence of Living Light within this journey of Transmutation is Nawal Tijaax, bringing together the Light of New Beginnings New Dawning.

“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

“You the Living Light of Nawal Aq’abal, your second Presence of Light for the journey of Transmutation is the bringing together the Light behind the four living separate Presences of Light for the emergence of the “Light of Renewal,” the “Light of Regeneration,” the “Light of Rejuvenation,” and the Light of Emergence.”

“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

“You the Living Light of Nawal Aq’abal, your third Presence of Light for the journey of Transmutation is Nawal Toj, dissolving the hold that ends any and all suffering and pain that we hold. Nawal Toj brings us unto the path that will allow these various Presences of Living Light that do the Untangling, Unraveling, Un-crusting, and Unweaving of any and all suffering and pain. This energy of Nawal Toj will carry us through and beyond all pain, and beyond all suffering so the various unique Subtle Presences of Light behind Joy, behind Kindness, behind Love, behind Nurturing and behind Compassion to emerge and work together.

“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

“You the Living Light of Nawal Aq’abal, you assist me in being weaved together within the flow of Living Light of Lightening Martin - Kiypa’ Martiin in Tz’utujiil, which weaves these unique force of Light together that allows the journey of transmutation to occur. What emerges through me is the Light held by the Voice of the Great Grandmother – Nawal Kawoq that awakens my inner and outer senses to give voice through the unique forms and shapes behind the various forms of the Light behind the Wisdoms.

“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

“You the Living Light of Nawal Aq’abal, always assists me to tak on through my Art of Remembering:

*There will always be a new Living Light of a New Dawning.

*There will always be a new Living Light for a New Emergence.

*There will always be an emergence of the new Living Light of Unknown Possibilities of the new Forms and new Shapes emerging through the Living Light of Joy.

*Through the Wisdom Energy of Nawal Aq'abal, this Living Light will always emerge from and overcome any present darkness I am aware of and allow the emergence of a new Living Light to be formed within my physical and subtle Body’s.

*Nawal Aq'abal brings forth the quality of Living Light that flows from the Living Light of the Heart Behind Everything.

* The Living Light of Nawal Aq’abal will lead you into the path of wholeness, harmony, and interconnectedness that will weave you within the inner and outer Living Light Web-of-Life of Interconnectivity.

*The Living Light of Nawal Aq'abal along with the assistance of the Living Light of Nicholas Martin, will touch and transform anything that stands in its path.

*No challenge can remain in its current form and shape as you open to and believe in this Living Light of the Wisdom Energy of Nawal Aq'abal.

*The energies of the Living Light of Gaia-Nawal Skirmeent-Heart of the Soul of the World flows through and give a new form (the former) and give a new shape (the shaper) to everything and anything.

*Whatever challenges your experience through your body, regardless of its source of origins hold the abilities be dissolved into the Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities that are seeded within you.

*Whatever stands in your way, from the way you think about or perceive any person, event, or situation in your life will be dissolved. *Whatever stands in your way, the way you feel and the emotions you choose to experience or express in your life will be dissolved.

*No belief or attitude can remain in duality, for all will be dissolved.

*The voice of the Great Grandmother will guide all inner and outer forms and shapes of your expression of your creative flow.

“If you build an invitation within you, the subtle world forces of Living Light will create a relationship of co-partnership with you and weave you within the subtle and physical environment around you.”

“You the Living Light of Nawal Aq’abal, weave me within  the Living Light of Self-Compassion to flow through and be weaved within the Living Light of Nawal Aq’abal for the second phase of the Journey for Transmutation. Weave together the Light behind the four living separate Presences of Light for my emergence of my restored physical body. Weave together the “Light of Renewal,” the “Light of Regeneration,” the “Light of Rejuvenation,” and the Light of Emergence within the Living Light of Self-Compassion.”


©All of the material in this blog in all forms, written, audio, video, pictures, etc. are under the Copyright © 2022 by Conrad and Ilene Satala Seminars LLC, Fort Wayne, Indiana USA. All rights Reserved.