Conrad Satala

Day 1 - Nawal Batz’ - Meditations on Wisdom

Conrad Satala
Day 1 - Nawal Batz’ - Meditations on Wisdom

“Meditation on Wisdom” for today Day 1 Friday 3 June 2022 Nawal Batz’ the Sixth Cycle of the Lunar Calendar 8-10

If links do not open on my website with copy and paste into a browser, please go to the email that is delivered each morning at 7 am EST. Those links are active with just a click. Sorry for this inconvenience created by limitations of the website.


Conrad’s Blog on Meditation on Wisdom” are my personal notes I am creating each morning reflecting upon my focus of how I approach and how I am Living Life weaved within the Mayan Subtle world forces of Paq’alib’al.

These personal notes are that’s, unedited, raw, and at times grammatical, spelling, typos, and long sentence structure fully present. They all are freshly written, edited, and created around 3 am EDT before the sunrises, and are published by 7 am EDT nearly each morning. So they are my first attempts in exploring my inner connections into the subtle realms of the Tz’utujiil Maya Forces of Living Light of the “Ways of Perceiving – Ilah” to live my life through the support and the living co-partnership with the energy of Light of todays Wisdoms. Regardless of the sufferings and the challenges I am engaged with during these changing and unpredictable times within my world, I have a choice to what and how I express as my Life.

I am the Nab’eysiil of the Tz’utujiil Maya community in Guatemala. I am the carrier and the Keeper of the Wisdoms weaved within the Bundle of the Heart of Nature and the Keeper of the Wisdoms weaved within the Bundle of the Heart of Humanity. Before the sunrises each morning, as when the sunsets each evening, as when I enter the cycle of Noon and Midnight, and throughout and in between these cycles, there is an constant dance of Subtle World Forces of Living Light available to me. These Subtle World Forces of Living Light is available to you, and available to everything and anything living on this Emerging Place of Earth.

The presence of Living Light exists within and behind everything and anything on this emerging planet. If it exists in physical form, regardless of how it is formed and shaped, a living Presence of Light is weaved into and within. This is so much larger then what our mind perceives to what is alive. Becoming awake with how our thoughts and feelings and the beliefs and intentions we hold are Alive and weaved within the Presence of Living Light. This Living Light is present within and behind every form of expression. From every object of physical matter to what it is that is spoken outwardly or spoken within. Everything holds a Presence of Living Light. This Living Light is weaved within and behind and becomes a container for the Living Light of the Unknown Wisdoms that desire to be expressed into everything and anything in the “Ways we are Living Life.” This Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities of the Wisdoms, are the expression of the Spirit and Dream held by the Living Spirit of Gaia. Living Life is our unique way we bring form and shape to the Dream of Gaia through the uniqueness held within us and how we choose to be an expression of Living Light behind everything and anything we are engaged within.

I explore the Road of Renewal each day, and throughout the day, allowing me to be weaved within this living co-partnership with these Subtle World Forces. Together in our co-partnering relationship we engage my unique ways I participate within Living my Life from the Living Light of the Wisdoms of the Unknown Possibilities. This allows me to be a Generator of Light that I bring forward to the various forms and shapes of everything and anything I am engaged within and outsider of me.


SORRY THERE IS NOTHING New Today in the Collective Renewal: Friday 3 June 2022

Section One reflects the “Journey of World Renewal” – the Collective Patterns discussing the Extended Ritual Cycles of the Tz’utujiil Maya parallel rituals to the Christian Rituals of leading up to and through the cycles of Death and Rebirth as explored during Holy Week. The Indigenous Ways are focused upon “Renewal.” There is no Death and Rebirth at the heart of Renewal. Instead, when a cycle enters it endings, at sunset of that cycle our bundle rests. Through the Mystery of the Living Lunar Light of night, our bundle is taken part, renewed, and weaved once again back to its initial clarity of Beginning Light. This is Beginning Light is weaved within the new Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities that are available for our new cycle that waits to emerge. At sunrise, we pick up what appears to be the same outer bundle we laid down at sunset. Yet our current bundle now is different. It is went through the natural Cycle of Renewal through the Mystery behind the Lunar cycles. The old ways were un-weaved, and now refreshed back to its original Light and weaved with the vibrant Living Light of the Unknown Wisdoms. We are ready to take our new steps onto our Road of Emergence. Exploring our new cycle of Living Life refreshed and renewed. These writings, pictures, videos, and podcasts, in Section One reflect one form and shape of the Indigenous Ways of the Tz’utujiil Maya exploring the rituals of World Renewal.


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Nothing New today for Personal Renewal until I finish the Collective Patterns for Renewal Friday 3 June 2022

Section Two reflect the “Journey of Personal Renewal” – our Individual Patterns. This section explores the same qualities we are exploring in the Collective Ways of World Renewal. Explores the various forms of co-partnership with these Subtle World Forces of Light to support our individual creative actions of Living Life.

Section Two Links:

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Section Three Weaving our Personal – Collective Intentions with the Subtle World Living Light of Paq’alib’al through the 260 Day Lunar Cycle

The Road of the 13 Cycles of Lunar Light:

Emergence of My Living Identity through Cycle Five

Through my journey of the Living Light of the 260 Day Lunar Cycle of the Daily Nawals, allows my new Identity into Wholeness where “Everything is alive” to emerge. This supports me to perceive and approach myself, approach others, and approach the events around me from a place of my inner Wisdom in Living Life. I beginning now in exploring the new twenty day cycle within Cycle Five. For the next 100 days, Cycles Five through Nine, within this 260 Day Cycles, the focus is upon the Road of Transmutation through the Living Light of Renewal, Restoration, Regeneration and Emergence to occur. We are always going through various cycles of Self-Renewal throughout the various ways we are engaging in Living Life.

Living Life in my Wholeness, where “Everything is alive,” allows me to experience through my felt sense the Living Light of the Flow of Interconnectivity. This Flow of Interconnectivity exists as my identity to who I am as a Whole Human Being. Does my identity of who I am come from my mind intelligence? Does my identity of who I am come form my energy intelligence? We may think that my identity as a whole person is a combination of both. But its not!

Traveling through the 260 Days Lunar Cycle of the Daily Nawals is an important road that gives me a place to explore the influence my subconscious mind has upon the quality of Light that supports my physical body functioning. I am also able to become aware of how much of my life I am holding a conflicting ways of perceiving the Wisdoms that are behind my everyday perceptions of my challenges, limitations, and sufferings. The Presence of Light of the Daily Nawals and its Three Creators, are available first and foremost to me through my energy intelligence. Then the words that I describe from my energy intelligence become my intentions behind each Daily Nawal. This allows my mind intelligence throughout these 260 Lunar Cycles to change the ways I perceive myself. My energy intelligence will change the ways I perceive others. My energy intelligence will change the way I perceive the events of the world around me. Through this Living Light of the Wisdoms will change the ways I perceive the wounded and limited nature of my mind intelligence.

In the last Four Cycles, I have established a consistent co-partnership relationship with both the Living Light of the 20 Daily Nawals and its 3 Creators: Ma Tun K'laaj, Ma Xtiwaan Luu', Ma Tun Deey. Traveling the Road of each one of these last Four Cycles allowed me to shed more of the toxicity created by my subconscious mind in the ways I perceived myself in relationship to Living Life. I was opened into allowing the unique Living Lights through each of the Four Cycles to be present and weaved within my core this added Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities. Now I am energetic ready to explore Cycle Five. This Living Light within me will support me to face the various levels of awareness that my subconscious mind will bring forward on the Road of Transmutation during Cycle Five. And this will continue till the end of Cycle Nine. I will have an opportunity once again to perceive the specifics parts of myself that is ready to be transmuted which is hindering me from allowing my Road of Renewal to emerge.

My intentions for this 260 Day Lunar Cycle allows me to move through each day and through the various 13 Cycles of 20 Days the opportunity for the reweaving to occur to feel the unique inner support of each one of the Living Lights of Fire being weaved within my First Fire. Cycle Four deepened this form of reweaving in preparing me energetically to enter and walk through the journey of Cycle Five. This Living Light within me will support me to face the various levels of awareness that my subconscious mind will bring forward to show me during these 100 days the specifics parts of his myself that will ready be ready to be transmuted that is hindering me from allowing my Road of Renewal to emerge. So my Living Light can be weaved and emerged through me as my Living Light of Sunshine through Cycles Ten through Thirteen.

These 100 Days of Cycles Five through Nine, I will be exploring the Transmutation with various body systems and organs that have always been extremely challenging and limiting throughout my life. My six burdens which I have previously discussed, along with new fleeting challenges that are always emerging into my life, where always present behind my inner backdrop during the years you have

known me. My engagement in outer activities especially covering the outer landscapes of ancient Indigenous sites along with the outer landscape of the Rainforests and Biospheres within Mexico and Central America seemed quiet natural in both my inner and outer strength. This began with a quest in my early 30’s to discover “A More Beautiful World to Live within my Body” regardless of the five sensory feedback my whole body keeps presenting to me.

My outer mind could never make any sense of this inner strength that would support me like this.

I am focusing upon my personal Intentions for this 260 Lunar Cycle. My intentions throughout the first Four Cycles was on “My physical body may be fully restored at the age of 74 into my unique Living Light of Unknown Possibilities. Not to look or physically do what I did in my 30’s. But to explore at this age of 74 in how I look and the actions I am physically able to explore within me as being a Living Generator of Light-Sunshine emerging through my full Unknown Possibilities within this Cycle of the Lunar Calendar. I will be responsible in developing a deeper relationship with each one of the 20 Living Lights of the Daily Nawals during this cycle.”

Now in Cycle Five I will begin to explore the Transmutation of these six burdens plus any new challenges emerging at this time for my body along with any limitations that my subconscious mind beings into my awareness. I will not be looking to find any specific areas that I think need to be transmuted with my outer mind intelligence. I will allow the journey of Living Life to show me during these next 20 days what ready to be transmuted. This transmutation will continually be explored during the remainder of the 80 days during these Cycles. This way I am trusting my energy intelligence to re-educated my mind intelligence on what and when to focus upon. Only through my inner energy intelligence can I allow the proper unweaving, untangling, undoing, dissolving of the burdens held in my body and held within my subconscious mind to emerge in the timely manner allowing for the ease of transmutation to emerge.

I want to become more conscious of this Intention as I am releasing the light from my subconscious mind and allowing the Emergence of the new Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities to me present to grow these new relationships that are forming. So this new Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities being weaved into the Subtle Forces within the Physical Matter of my Human Body.

During these first 80 Lunar Days of the Living Light of the Daily Nawals, the Living Light Presence of Self-Compassion supported my unique qualities of Living Light. I began to experience the Living Light of Self-Compassion for my current ways of perceiving and my current ways of living my life of limitations and separations around my 74 year old body. Now during these next 100 Lunar Nights of the Living Light of the Daily Nawals, the foundation I am exploring of Self-Compassion will be present to dissolve the specific attitudes and beliefs and intentions that my subconscious mind will being to my intention. If I am struggling during these 100 Lunar Days it only because I do not “Believe” in the ways of me Living Life that I “Deserve” the Presence of Living Light of Mercy and Compassion for this unique part of me. Returning to and deepening within my Living Relationship with the Presence of Living Light of Mercy and Compassion will allow me the inner courage and ease to walk through this transition through these various parts of my self.

The most empowering gift of action I have to offer is the way I am choosing to Live Life from the perspective of my story of co-partnering with the Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities. How I am living this within myself gives me a living perspective in how and what I am communicating this story to others. Each of us as our own unique Living Light of First Fire within. Through our unique Living Light of First Fire, I, we, will choose the various ways to perceive the events within my life today. This will emerge through me in the choices I make to communicate my words and the outer actions I take in Living Life.

Cycle Five begins the first of the five cycles so that I may begin the releasing of my subconscious mind hold on my limitations blocking and hindering me. Through this 100 Days of Transmutation, I will begin to experience the intentions of my ability to someday soon I will be able to Live my Life through this Light-Sunshine available to me from within my Subtle Energy Body and the Subtle energy Body of the outer environment around me. This will allow the weaving together within me with the Living Light of the Flow of Interconnectivity in its deeper qualities to be present during Cycles Five through Nine for the Living Light of Renewal, Restoration, Regeneration and Emergence to occur.

My Purpose is to Live Life as the Generator of Living Light of Sunshine:

Our primary focus as a human being is energy production. Since my first writings and teaching I was exploring since 1980, around the various ways to assist myself and others that we were a Living Light of “Human Energy System.”

Throughout each encounter I am engaged in, I reflect upon did I leave this person or did I leave this event with the knowing that I added more “Light-Sunshine” through my interaction that I was engaged in. Regardless of the challenges and the regardless of the sufferings that might have occurred within me or around me, “Did my words and actions reflect in the ways I desire to me Living my Life by adding more Light-Sunshine to this person or event?” “Did my words and actions reduced the Light-Sunshine within that person and event I encountered today in my life?”

Out First Nations elders lived their life being weaved together within the “Living Light of the Flow of Interconnectivity” with the Living Light-Sunshine of the Heart Behind Everything. They experienced how this Living Light supported them and supported each event in life. They knew there always was a Natural state of Flow in Living Life as a two legged upright being that was human.

They did not try to find the Light of Interconnectivity and Flow. They explored their living relationship within a living co-partnership within the Light of Interconnectivity and Flow that was always present. This supported them in Living Life knowing how Nature’s inner and outer Light provided for them.

Over time, especially since the Conquest, most Indigenous cultures in order to survive their captors, began to experience a separation and a disconnection from their “Light of the Heart” flowing as a natural sate of interconnectivity between the Living Light of the Heart Behind Everything.

When Zach talks about the restoring the Remembering-Regenerative Living Light pattern. This is what I experience on the Road of Renewal in allowing myself to Remembering – the Regenerative Living Light patterns being weaved within the Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities being weaved together in the Light of the Flow of Interconnectivity Behind the Living Light of the Heart Behind Everything and the Living Light of the Heart Behind Anything. The restoring of the Remembering of this Regenerative Living Light both within me and between us and between me and us and all of Nature effects the quality of Light-Sunshine that is available to me, that is available to us in Living Life.

Remembering is a personal inner creative art form we are exploring. The Art of Remembering each day, and throughout the day and throughout the night, adds to or decreasing the vibrational quality of Living Light held within the inner water within our body. The quality of Living Light effects the direction of our cellular growth. The quality of Living Light effects the forming of our co-partnership relationships within our cells. We have choice in how we live in a creative relationship to the cells and the inner quality of water. Are we adding to or limiting and separating ourself from our Inner Light? Are we allowing our self to open to or limiting or blocking our living relationship with the Living Light of the Unseen Possibilities that deserves to be weaved within our physical body?

Research today reflects the effects our feelings, thoughts, and judgements are always effecting the quality of the water stored within our body which changes the vibrational quality of Light held within this inner water flowing through our body. This effects the direction of cellular growth either creating separation and blocking the Living Light for the Unseen Possibilities from being weaved within our physical body. Or are we adding a vibrational quality of Light that will be weaved within our physical body?

The human cell when allowed to hold the proper vibrational quality of light creates a resonates like a tuning fork allowing more Light from the subtle forms and the patterns within us and the earth that holds the Light that is available for the cell to naturally repair and the Regeneration of the cells within that are needed for the healing potential that is made available to us. This is called Remembering.

Our primary focus as a human being is energy production. Chronic disease emerges at the point of this failed energy production. Chronic disease is never attacking us. Disease never attacks a healthy human cell that is holding the proper intensity of inner light. When there is a reduction and lowering of the Light, this reduces our magnetic fields resonating state of Energy. We are then vulnerable to various forms of diseases. Our natural ability for repair and healing is always occurring, but only from when we are allowing an increase of the Living Light of resonance to flow within us.

Every cell holds a “Creative Force of Light” being the Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities that is held within every cell. This Creative Force of Light is what engages the cells “Drive For Life through the Flow of Light for the Interconnectivity.” At lower vibrational states of inner Light-Sunshine, this “Creative Drive Force of Light” in every cell creates a lesser quality of vibrational Light. At a higher state of Vibrational Light creates a greater state of our inner Light-Sunshine. So that this same “Creative Drive Force of Light” creates higher vibrational light.

The Art of Remembering is when each cells “remembers” its natural co-partnership relationship within the Living Light of the Interconnectivity of the Flow of the Heart Behind Everything that is possible. The Art of Remembering create within the cells “Creative Drive Force of Light” an increased quality of Vibrational Light-Sunshine. This naturally motivates and replicates this pattern of Remembering and creating a natural relationship with the Light of the Unknown Possibilities that is always available for each cells unknown potential for growth.

“You the Living Light of Nawal Na’ooj, weave me to grow my living co-partnership relationship with you.

Weave me with the Living Light of Maria Kastelyaan to awaken the Living Light of the seeds of Compassion within me.

Weave me with the Living Light of the Rilaj Maam to awaken the Living Seeds of Compassion within me to explore Living Life with both Self-Compassion for myself and Compassion for all Human Beings.

Weave me with the Living Light of Maria Na’ooj. For you bring forward the living secret that is held within the Living Light of Love that supports both Self-compassion for myself and Compassion for others.

Weave me with the Living Light of Nawal Juan Na’ooj and the Living Light of Nawal Diego Na’ooj to communicate with Rei Pascal. Together your bring the various forms of the Living Light of the Wisdoms with the Unknown Possibilities into my subtle energies that I am needing for today.

Weave me with the Living Light of Nawal Diego Kanon, and the Living Light of Nawal Juan Kanon bring together this new Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities into my subtle energies felt sense awareness.

Weave me with the Living Light of Nawal Diego Puqlaaj, and the Living Light of Nawal Juan Puqlaaj to assist me in the Road of the Transmutation. So whatever it is that is keeping me separated and focused upon allowing my subconscious mind emotional reactivity to be my only experience of reality right now. I ask you to dismantle, to unravel, to untangle, and to sweep away whatever stands in the way for this Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities of the Wisdoms to emerge.

Weave me with the Great Weaver Yaxper, and your assistances with the various forms of the Marias, weave together the Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities with the Living Light of the Wisdoms that I am needing today, weave this together within the unique core of the Light of my First Fire.”

Through this emergence of these various threads of the Living Light from these specific Nawals and Marias, creates my new Living Light within me of my Flow of Light of Interconnectivity that can walk me through any and all difficulties that cross my path.

These emerging threads of the Living Lights of the Nawals and the Marias, becomes the foundation for all forms of my human thinking.

When my body moves, these threads of the Living Light of the Nawals and the Marias, is the first energy that is always present to move and express my body.

These threads of Living Light, is what allows the energy that is always available to me to be expressed behind all forms of knowledge. To be expressed behind all form of creativity. To be expressed behind all forms of decision-making. To be expressed behind all forms of advice i give to myself or others. These threads of Living Light is at the Heart that all people seek in any and all encounters.

These threads of Living Light is what is behind the interconnectivity of the Flow of Living Light in my Wholeness. My brain is naturally wired to produce and support this living relationship with these various threads of the Nawals and the Marias and this continually being renewed and weaved within the unique Living Light of my First Fire. Without this renewal and re-weaving, I am incapable of allowing the Living Wisdoms to support me over my subconscious mind historical experiences of emotional reactivity and challenges to brings forth as my only reality at this moment in time.

At sunrise today, “Assist me the Living Lights of the various living forms of Nawal Na’ooj, to embrace and grow the Living Light within every part of who I Am in my Wholeness. Assist me to experience the Living Light of the Flow of Interconnectivity flowing through the inner fluidity as I am Re-Centered and Weaved today into a flowing matrix of Interconnectivity of Living Light. I have been re-centered and weaved today within my subtle and physical body’s within the Living Light of the Flow of Interconnectivity of Light forming the pathways between all the organic and inorganic and mineral form. I have been re-centered and weaved today between all plants, between all animals, between all humans, and between all electrical pulses and between everything and anything that exists in both physical and non-physical forms. I am living and being held within the dream that is available for me to emerge from the Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities from the subtle realms of the primordial waters.

As I walk into Living Life today at sunrise, I ask these various forms of Living Light that have been weaved within me, to weave this with the various qualities of Living Lights forming my relationships of my Living of Life as a True Gaian Human Being.

The resonance of this Light of the Living Subtle Forces, and the resonance of the Living Light of the Wisdoms, along with the various others forces of the resonance of the Living Light within the Subtle Realms are now fully available and waiting to explore within me, within us. This Living Light is now simultaneously always available for me, and is simultaneously always available us, in all of the various ways I, we, are engaged in Living Life.

Today New Intentions have been created and edited on Friday 3 June 2022:

Focus of Intentions:

The focus of an Intention with the underlying felt sense of Love is to allow the Subtle Forces and Subtle Beings to weave us into our unique Wholeness for today. Each day I petition these Tz’utujiil Maya Subtle Forces to rebuild and to reweave me with both the Living Light of the Heart of the Wisdoms and with the Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities. I light a real or an imaginary candle and I petition Rei Pascal to place me on my mat for today. I petition that these twenty-four Subtle Beings from Paq’alib’al to weave me today into my new Wholeness into the Living Light of the Flow of Interconnectivity.

I ask these Tz’utujiil Maya Subtle Forces to rebuild, reweave me within my intention for this 260 Day Lunar cycle:

“My physical body may be fully restored at the age of 74 into my unique Living Light of Unknown Possibilities. Not to look or physically do what I did in my 30’s. But to explore at this age of 74 in how I look and the actions I am physically able to explore within me as being a Living Generator of Light-Sunshine emerging through my full Unknown Possibilities within this Cycle of the Lunar Calendar. I will be responsible in developing a deeper relationship with each one of these Tz’utujiil Maya Subtle Forces”

Women: 1-ya Mri'y Bitz'bal, 2-ya Mri'y Ch'ajkeem, 3-ya Mri'y Chajko'y, 4-ya Mri'y K'iir, 5-ya Mri'y Keem, 6-ya Mri'y Kmo', 7-ya Mri'y Pixlaq, 8-ya Mri'y Sirwaant, 9-ya Mri'y Skirná, 10-ya Mri'y Sqaaj, 11-ya Mri'y Xajchaj, 12-ya Paska' Ch'ureeq.

Men: 1- Juan No’j, 2-Diego No’j, 3-Juan Kanon, 4-Diego Kanon, 5-Juan Puqlaaj, 6-Diego Puqlaaj, 7-Juan Tz'bir, 8-Diego Tz'bir, 9-Juan Tza'j, 10-Diego Tza'j, 11-Juan Tz'ruy, 12-Diego Tz'ruy

Tz’utujiil Maya Pronunciation at this link:

“If you build the intent within you, the subtle world will respond.”

“You the Living Light of Nawal Batz’, your Web brings form and shape that allows the Living Light of Wisdom to flow through me. Your Web allows the Living Light of Renewal that will give me the form and shape for my intention for this 260 Days of this Lunar Calendar. Allow me to experience the unique Light of my First Fire flowing through my foundation Web of interconnectivity forming and shaping my new relationship with my physical body of today. Wherever my blood flows throughout my physical body, may the Living Light of Remembering of Who I Am as a living generator of Light-Sunshine for the Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities for my physical body at age 74 be fully restored.”

“If you build the intent within you, the subtle world will respond.”

“You the Living Light of Nawal Batz’, your Web brings form and shape and is the carrier of the Living Light of Wisdom. Your web emerges to hold together this primary foundational energy that allows the Light of the unknown possibilities to exist. Your Presence of Light Nawal Batz’, creates all threads that allows the web to emerge as the primary foundation that establishes the form and shape behind all things that exist in the physical world.

“If you build the intent within you, the subtle world will respond.”

“You the Living Light of Nawal Batz’, your Web brings form and shape to the Flow of Living Light of Interconnectivity to emerge from the Heart of Gaia-the world Soul. (In Tz’utujiil Maya, this Presence of Living Light of Gaia is called Nawal Skirmeent).

“If you build the intent within you, the subtle world will respond.”

“You the Living Light of Nawal Batz’, your Web brings form and shape to the Living Light of Interconnectivity that forms and shapes the Living Light of the Heart Behind Everything and the Living Light of the Heart Behind Anything that exists in all of its various forms of Nature. This includes everything and anything that exists in the multi sensory world, including our inner thoughts and feelings of inner and outer communication.

“If you build the intent within you, the subtle world will respond.”

“You the Living Light of Nawal Batz’, your Web brings form and shape to the Living Light of Interconnectivity to the Living Light of the Heart Behind Everything and the Living Light of the Heart Behind Anything to flow between the various systems and organs within my body. Whatever exists within the deepest unseen levels of my physical body, is connected by your threads of the Living Light of the Wisdom to the Living Light of the Heart of Gaia. So the flow of the Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities can flow through these various threads and is always available behind all things that exists.

“If you build the intent within you, the subtle world will respond.”

“You the Living Light of Nawal Batz’, your Web brings form and shape to the Living Light of Interconnectivity to the Living Light of the Heart Behind Everything and the Living Light Behind the Heart of Anything that is weaved together to the inner workings that support the life behind all plants and animals.

“If you build the intent within you, the subtle world will respond.”

“You the Living Light of Nawal Batz’, your Web brings form and shape to the Living Light of the Interconnectivity to the Living Light of the Heart Behind Everything and to the Living Light of the Heart Behind Anything that emerges into the form and shape of all organic materials of the living Earth. Which includes the variety forms of weather and the various unique forms of the physical environments we experienced on this planet.

Blessings and Love Conrad

Section 4

Section Four reflects the Unique Living Light behind the 260 Day Lunar Cycle of the Twenty Day Living Light of the Nawals. Each one of these twenty Nawals reflect a unique energy of Light that weaves me into my personal Journey of Renewal. This same cycle of twenty Nawals is repeated thirteen times in allowing me to explore the deeper inner working around my Personal Renewal. Through each twenty day cycle repeating through the thirteen cycles allows me each day and through each cycle to lay down my unique bundle at sunset in the ways I explore Living my Life today. So I may pick-up my Renewed Bundle refreshed each day within my new ways to explore Living my Life through my co-partnership relationships between the subtle and physical worlds.

This section always begins with one of Ilene Satala painting and reflections around what the Tz’utujiil Maya Indigenous Ways call “Good Medicine - Kox aq’oom.” The Road of Renewal, either Personal or Collective, is all about “Good Medicine - Kox aq’oom.” Good Medicine is the journey or road we participate with for our Mind, Body, Spirit in exploring the Road of Renewal. Where our ability is to be weaved within our “Heart of – Ruk’ux” to the “Heart of – Ruk’ux” within the Dream of Gaia to be weaved within the “Heart of – Ruk’ux” of the struggles, the challenges, the suffering, the separation we experience in life. The Weaving within the “Heart Behind Everything” and the “Heart Behind Anything” is the foundation of Living my Life as a “Generator of Light.” This is the foundation behind all forms of transformation and healing. This section gives us the Awareness of the various ways Wisdom is available to be weaved within us through the “Heart of – Ruk’ux” to choose other ways I may engage in Living my Life.

WebMaking (Spider Woman – Goddess of Weaving painting by Ilene Satala)

Weaver of Dreams and Creativity. The Spider Goddess is a favorite of mine. She is the patroness of artists and all aspects of creativity from music to writing to painting. She appears in the southwestern United States as well as in Mexico and other parts of the world. Even the Goddess Athena of the Greeks was a spider goddess because of her extraordinary skills in weaving.

Spider Goddess weaves the world into creation. On her magic loom she weaves all of nature from the earth—everything from plants and animals to the stars, the moon and the sun. She even creates the first human beings, and teaches them what to do with seeds—how to care for and nurture them.

My spider goddess is more contemporary in her look, but ancient in her meaning. I can literally say that this image appeared to me on the blank canvas. I just drew with my pencil the outline of her body as I saw it appear. She is surrounded by deep green, the color of nature and symbolic of manifestation. Her arms are wide open, reaching out and casting her web. My spider goddess does not weave on a loom, but weaves from her body. Her threads of the web are called “the roads of life” by the Hopi Indians. They connect the sacred feminine creator to humanity. Delicate soft shimmering threads cover her body. Her crown is filled with earthen treasures, with the spider symbol in the center. Her caring nature reaches out to us, inviting us to travel her threads to wherever they might lead us along the roads of our destiny in life.

Spider Women offers us the possibilities of creating and weaving what we desire in our lives. She seems to offer us the power of reaching into our world and manifesting our hopes and dreams. Let her show you the way!

Ilene painted this image of the treads behind the Web of Life coming out of the body of Spider Woman. Although she does not look very Indigenous! Ilene wanted women to know that within us creates the flow of interconnectivity and wholeness. And although she rarely created women in a full body form, she did with Spider Woman. It why I have the link to the video above this with Ilene emphasis on community based upon interconnectivity and flow. Since today is Day 1 Nawal Batz’ the threads behind everything and anything is laid out for all of time.

Practical Wisdom of Nawal Batz’

Today I give you the opportunity to develop a relationship with the Living Nawal Presence of Light, Nawal Batz’. This Being of Light-Nawal Batz’, is like an angelic being. Nawal Batz’ holds together the primary foundational energy as the carrier of the Light of Wisdom. Through the threads of Wisdom that are created, is what allows the Light of the unknown possibilities to exist. What you hold as your Presence of Light Nawal Batz’, creates all threads that exist as the primary foundation that establishes the form and shape behind all things that exist in the physical world.

Nawal Batz’, creator of the threads for the flow of interconnectivity to emerge from the Heart of Gaia-the world Soul. (In Tz’utujiil Maya, this Presence of Light of Gaia is called Nawal Skirmeent). You Nawal Batz’ create the interconnectivity to the Heart Behind Everything and Anything that exists in all of its various forms of Nature. This includes everything and anything that exists in the multi sensory world, including our inner thoughts and feelings of inner and outer communication.

You Nawal Batz’ create the interconnectivity to the Heart Behind Everything and Anything to the various systems and organs within our body. Whatever exists within the deepest unseen levels of our physical body, is connected by your threads of the Light of the Wisdom to the Heart of Gaia. So the flow of the unknown possibilities flows through these various threads and can always be available to behind all things that exists.

You Nawal Batz’ creates the interconnectivity to the Heart Behind Everything and Anything to the inner workings that support the life behind all plants and animals.

You Nawal Batz’ creates the interconnectivity to the Heart Behind Everything and Anything behind any all organic materials of the living Earth. Which includes the variety forms of weather and the various unique forms of the physical environments we experienced on this planet.

For something to exists in our awareness, including the subtle energies behind everything and anything seen and unseen, your Threads of the Web of Light exists, allowing the flows for the Wisdom of the Unknown Possibilities to always be present.

Through your Light Presence of the Wisdom of the Unknown Possibilities, is why the Light of Wholeness can exists. For anything to manifest into awareness, your Threads of Light is always the primary foundation that lays this Web of Light into existence.

This Web of Light emerges in what is called the Heart Behind Everything and the Heart Behind Anything. This is the Light of First Fire that’s is weaved together forming our unique form of Light for our own unique unknown possibilities to grow while supporting within us the opportunity to choose Wisdom as the way we explore Living Life.

This Light is being Weaved from the Light Essence of your First Fire with the Light Essence of the First Fire of the World Soul-Gaia or Nawal Skirmeent. The Light of First Fire continues to grow naturally throughout time, because of this primary foundation that emerges through your Dreaming Presence-Nawal Batz’.

This Presence of Wisdom is dreamed into every creation of life. Wisdom of the Unknown Possibilities is the foundation behind anything and everything that exists. Through your dawning, Nawal Bat’z, the living “juice,” the living “itz’” of the living energy behind the heart of the living universe flows through everything.

This flows through the circulation behind everything in the living universe. This flows through the blood of our physical body. This flows through the blood in all forms of animals. This flows through the veins within all organic forms of life. This flows through roots and veins within all plants and all of Nature. This flows through all bodies of water and fluid systems, both outside and inside of our awareness.

Through the threads that emerges and are held together by Presence of Light of Nawal Batz’ allowing the Light of First Fire to be present. This then is infused with the Presence of Light called “Love.” The primary foundational Weaver, Yaxper in Tz’utujiil Maya, weaves together the Light of First Fire with the Light of Love. This weaving creates the foundational Light for the Light of the Wisdom of the Unknown Possibilities to exist.

The Presence of the Living Light of Unconditional Love emerges from the origins from the Heart of the Living Universe, which Indigenous call the “Heart of Sky.” To the Heart of the Living Earth called “Heart of Earth.” This presence of Light of Unconditional Love in Tz’utujiil Maya is called Maria Kastelyaan. The presence of this Light of Unconditional Love, is weaved together within the threads of Nawal Batz’ creating the living presence of the Light of Wisdom into every primary thread behind everything and anything in living life. This allows the unknown possibilities to emerge behind all forms of healing, to the manifestation of the unknown possibilities behind creativity and Living Life.

Daily Reflections on Nawal Batz’

You, Nawal Batz’ as the carrier of the first threads of the Living Light of the Wisdom energy, awaken the uniqueness within me, awaken the uniqueness within each person, each object, and the Living Light Behind each event. Assist me to use that Living Light of Wisdom to open to the Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities behind all things. Teach me to work together as you weave me into the Living Light of the Interconnectivity is weaved together with the Living Light of the Heart Behind all things.

11 Supportive Video Access for Reflections of a Living Nab’eysiil

Video Clips for Today - Copy and Paste into a Browser

Unlock the Creative Light Force within 18:37

Four False Beliefs that Society is Built Upon 17:03

How to Create Heaven on Earth 13:44

Are Memories Stored In Water Zach Bush 15:35

Water Blessings Song Guatemala 7:00

Speaking to the Water 5:08

The Consciousness of Water 3:13

Maseru Emoto Experiment in Gratitude 1:39

Maseru Emoto Water Experiments 5:00

A Gathering of the Tribe 9:17

Heartfelt Prayer to Recognize the Beauty in Life Zach Bush 10:17

1 Supportive Audio Access for Reflections of a Living Nab’eysiil

Foundational Core Of Light Ritual January 2022 6:45

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