Conrad Satala

Green Goddess of Nature

Conrad Satala
Green Goddess of Nature

Green Goddess of Nature


This image is the embodiment for me of the Green Goddess of Nature, a creator and giver of new life. Her purpose is to be the stimulant of energies for growth and prosperity. She quickens a new life that emerges and grows out of the old, reminding us that green energy is the power behind all things.

My paintings are rich with symbolism based on cultures from around the world. The color Green is the color I associate with compassion and new life. Blue is creativity and Red is vitality. The ivy in her headdress represents the gracious and joyful act of embracing all of life and being connected to the world.

Moths and butterflies are images of the transformation of human life changing into a sacred nature of purpose and service to all. Her leaf dress transitions from fall to spring and back again, melting from orange to green, as do the cycles of the seasons of the year. The humming bird symbolically means the human soul in many cultures throughout the world. I imagine we are viewing Mother Nature in the act of giving energy or life to us the children of humanity. It is creation happening right before our eyes.

I feel this painting is to inspire the power to grow our hopes and dreams the way Mother Nature grows the world we love into being.