Conrad SatalaComment

Day 12 Nawal Q'iiq' Cycle 6-7

Conrad SatalaComment
Day 12 Nawal Q'iiq' Cycle 6-7

Audio Daily Nawal Wisdom


Audio Spoken Days


Drawings of Daily Nawal Wisdom

Day 12 Nawal Q'iiq'.jpg


Tree of Life Photo

Day 12 Nawal Iq'.jpg

A cinquain poem is an unrhymed five line poetic form defined by words to express what you are sensing about each Daily Tree of Life Photo

The Heart of the Wisdom Teachings of the Tz’utujiil Maya Tree of Life in didactic Cinquain form:


Fragile Essence

Sprouting Growing Flowering

Unique Unknown Potentials Possibilities 


Written Daily Nawal Wisdom

Day 12 Wisdom of Nawal Q'iiq'

White, Blue & Sky Blue Candles

The Heart of the Wisdom Teachings of Nawal Q’iiq’ Day 12 in didactic Cinquain form:

Q’iiq’ (Wind)

Breath Dualities 

Blowing Sweeping Emerging 

Inner Outer Landscape Cleansing 


Cultivating Gratitude through the Wisdom of Nawal Q'iiq'

I open to receive the presence of Gratitude for the ability to live from the presence of Wisdom, through the divine Breath of the Wind. This breath of Wisdom is behind the Voice of the Great Grandmother, and behind my breath. I feel the Gratitude of Wisdom for the Wind that flows through all challenges. It is the purifier, the healer that cleans away everything that is not weaved together into the flow of the heart.

Day 12 Monday 10 March Nawal Q’iiq’ Cycle 6-7

Energy for New Emerging Civilization

One of David Spangler’s Subtle Support Crew, Marcus, brought this summary message forward as a daily living focus for our emerging times. August 2021


Energies for a New Unknown Potential for Civilization 3:06 Conrad Satala


How to Explore Marcus’ Message for Each Day:

Read & listen to this brief message each morning and ask the Rilaj Maam, Mri'yKastilyaan, Rei Pascal, Martin Bundle, Maria Bundle, Nawals, Marias, and the Forces of Paq’alib’al to bring their Light, Hope, Love, Joy, Compassion, and other Wisdom forces through you and through Humanity each day. Ask for their assistance to transmute the dualities of perceptions and emotions into the Wisdom of the flow of the interconnectivity of the Wholeness within the Unknown Potential to Live the new Story within the Emerging New Civilization.

Let today’s Nawal Forces of Light assist you in transmuting your challenges and experience the emerging co-partnering relationships creating within you a new way of perceiving and living the actions of the unknown life within you.


This is Marcus’ message for each day:

Let your heart sing like this - may all who can open to these qualities and to the potential and energy of the new civilization unfolding around us - may love, not fear – may hope, not despair - may joy, not distress - may compassion, not anger or hate - allow each of us to enfold in safety, protection, and courage - may we have the will to do what is available to us to bring the new civilization into being - may my strength, my calm, my courage, my joy, and my love empower at least one other person to join in this enterprise and become a source of vision and new life.”

Cinquain Poem for our New Emerging Unknown Potential for Civilization Vision by Conrad:


Ending Emerging

Transmuting Empowering Energy

Love Hope Joy Compassion






Wisdom of Nawal Imo’x

Today is the eleventh day of new Dawning. The Light of Nawal Imo’x, it’s Wisdom establishes the Support and the Order within the Heart Behind Everything through the blessings of the Nawal Imo’x. I ask the energy of Nawal Imo’x to change my brain into the flow of the Heart of the Universe. Assist me to feel the felt-sense of this Wisdom has it flows through and weaves together my pre-frontal lobe into the flow and weaving between my right and left hemisphere, and through the flow and weaving of my Corpus Callosum  and into the flow and weaving into my mid-brain and into the flow and weaving of my old brain. Continue this flow and weaving into my brainstem and throughout my spinal column. I ask the presence of the Light of Wisdom that is behind everything to weave me into the flow of the living universe, and weave me into the uniqueness of my soul and the supportive energies and forces from Paq’alib’al- the place of Origins of the Tz’utujiil Maya.


Supplement Nawal Imo’x Day 11 Audio 7:21


The Heart of the Wisdom Teachings of Nawal Imo’x Day 11 in didactic Cinquain form:

Imo’x (Primordial-Water)

Neuroplasticity Weaving

Blessings Flowing Illuminating 

Emerging the Uniqueness Me



Weaving the Joints of my Body Today is Cycle 3-5 Nawal Imo’x

Weaving The Subtle Physical Energy Bodies With Today’s Daily Nawal 8:30

In this new cycle of “Weaving the Joints of my Body” there will be an audio ritual above for each day.

Each daily ritual will focus upon you opening to feel the felt sense in your body of the essence of today Daily Nawal. Especially through these 11 Forces in the Cinquain that is written for the unique Daily Nawal each day. The more you are able to feel the felt sense of these 11 unique Forces as being weaved into your Physical Body and Subtle Energy Body. Through the Presence of your Underbuddies and the Presence of your Body Elemental and the various forces of Light, all being weaved together, opening you to experience this regeneration of your unknown possibilities throughout your body. Please take the time to slowly move and isolate to your best ability, each joint and it’s related soft tissues, etc.



I ask the Light of the Underbuddies, I ask the Light of the Body Elemental, weave together the forces of Light from Love, weave together the forces of Light from  Compassion and Caring, weave together the forces of Light from Joy, the Light from Hope and the Light of Courage.

Weave these together these Forces of Light throughout my Subtle Energy Body. Weave these Forces of Light together throughout the various joints within my physical body and my subtle energy body. I ask of you, the Heart of Water, flow through all of the fluid systems within my brain and my body. Whatever you find that blocks the flow of these Wisdom Forces, dissolve the blockage through your flow of Light and Interconnectivity.

The place where the brain stem and spinal column emerge. Dissolves whatever stands in the way so that this Flow of Light Emerges.

The right shoulder. The right elbow. The right wrist, hand, fingers.

Right finger 1. Right finger 2. Right finger 3. Right finger 4. Right finger 5.

The right hip. The right knee. The right ankle, foot, toes.

Right toe 1. Right toe 2. Right toe 3. Right toe 4. Right toe 5.

Weave together this flow of Light, the flow of Light behind the Interconnectivity between the Underbuddies, the Flow of Light behind the Body Elemental, the Flow of Light behind the forces of Love, the forces of Compassion and Caring, the Flow of Light behind the forces of Joy, Hope and Courage.

Weave these Forces of Light together throughout my Subtle Energy Body, weave these together throughout the various joints within my physical body and my subtle energy body.

The left shoulder. The left elbow. The left wrist, hand, fingers.

Left finger 1. Left finger 2. Left finger 3. Left finger 4. Left finger 5.

The left hip. The left knee. The left ankle, foot, toes.

Left toe 1. Left toe 2. Left toe 3. Left toe 4. Left toe 5.





Living the Presence of Wisdom

As I live my Nawal Ajpuub inner Gaian nature, I live as a first responder. Living my  inner Gaian Nature gives me the quality of illuminating light to speak from the Voice of the Great Grandmother. I speak this to myself, I speak this to others, I speak this in any and all situations. From my inner Gaian Nature emerges the foundation for my Formative Force of Joy to be present. This weaving allows me to live from my felt sense awareness within the Heart of the Living Universe, the Heart of the Earth, the Heart of Gaia. From ‘this space I am living from my illuminating light for myself, for others, and I also return this Light of Love back into the support of the subtle world forces.

The flowing of my Light allows me to emerge into my unique form of wholeness, experiencing the awe, the wonderment, and the interconnectivity of Light behind everything.

I asked my Flow of Light of Nawal Imo’x, to transmute, to transform, and emerge through and deepen within me. Let me experience the felt sense of the primordial waters of creation into the emergence of all of the waters that are here on the Earth, to the fluid systems that flows through my brain and my body. Through this emerging illuminating light of interconnectivity weaves the support of my Nawal Ajpuub inner Gaian nature.  I speak to myself and speak to and about others from my inner Voice of the Great Grandmother. I speak from the Formative Forces of Light, from the Will, Love, Joy, and Hope of the various forces of Wisdom behind anything and behind everything. I am now able to speak to myself, speak to others, and speak about the unknown ways I am emerging to live the new story of my life. I am living my Gaian Nature that is emerging around me.

I asked this Flow of  Light of Nawal Imo’x, to transmute, to transform, and emerge through and deepen within me. Now when I encounter challenges in any of the areas within my daily life, I ask a Daily Nawal for assistance, I have created in my intentions a Web of Light relationship to the Daily Nawal. Instead of living the energies of my challenges, this relationship that is growing between my Interconnectivity to the various Web of Lights within the Daily Nawals can assist me to transmute, transform, and emerge my challenges into a new form of action. I have established this Web of Light relationships, for I now have the Presence of Hope available to me to walk through any and and all challenges!

I embody the Presence of Love and I allow Love to form and shape the flow of my Interconnectivity within me and between my inner landscape and the inner landscape of Nature around me.



I ask this Seed Light to flow through myself, and the Generative Source of Love, and the Daily Nawals and re-center everything and anything around me into the new flow of Interconnectivity and wholeness. I ask this Seed Light to transmute anything and everything that stands in the way of this Seed Light from emerging. I ask this Seed Light to flow through my skeletal system, including every organ and system within my body, along with the primary and secondary joints to repair what is needed so that the flow of Love gives form and shape to everything in its path. I ask the flow of Love to repair the form and shape of my Brain and my Nervous System along with my circulatory system so that the path of Interconnectivity and wholeness is established. So my Voice of Wisdom emerges and is available for me to express towards myself and towards others.

Cultivating the Daily Nawal Wisdom

Nawal Q'iiq' carries the Presence of Wisdom through the divine Breath of the Wind. This breath of Wisdom is behind the Voice of the Great Grandmother, and behind your breath. This breath-wind awakens the wisdom for change to weave us into the interconnectivity of the heart behind everything. Wind allows Wisdom to flow through all challenges. It is the purifier, the healer that cleans away everything that is not weaved together into the flow of the heart.  Xikmeel Martin of the South, the Breath of Life, flows through my lungs.  Q’iiq’ Martin of the North, the Breath of Life, dissolves all outer challenges. Nawal Q'iiq', the over-soul of the Breath of Life, transmutes, transforms, and allows the emergence of the soul behind everything to emerge.

In-Depth Information about the Wisdom of Nawal Q'iiq'

On the Twelfth day of the new Dawning, Nawal Q'iiq', emerges through the presence of the Wind. Nawal Q'iiq' carries the Wisdom energy as the new Breath of Life in all of its various forms. Wisdom Energy expresses itself through the consciousness of the Heart of the Wind. This flows through each one of the four primary portals and the mystery at the center.

Nawal Q'iiq', wind, is the purifier, the healer that cleans away all challenges. Nawal Q'iiq' opens the portal or the doorway to one’s Soul. Nawal Q'iiq' opens the portal or the doorway to the Soul of the heart behind everything that exists in the outer five-sensory world. This presence supports the emergence and the expression of physical life through the flow of the interconnectivity to what is inner and what is outer. Nawal Q'iiq' assists one to enter the mystery of completion.

Wherever I place the focus of my awareness Nawal Q'iiq', the Heart of the wind, and Nicholas Martin dissolve the hold of all challenges. Xikmeel Martin is the wind of the South that breathes the Breath of Life through my lungs. This awakens and grows the possibilities for all forms of healing. This weaves me into the flow of the interconnectivity of the heart behind all forms of nature. This weaves my body, my mind, my emotions and my spirit into the heart of Nature.

Q'iiq' Martin is the wind of the North that breathes the Breath of Life through all forms of challenges outside of me. This brings healing and wholeness throughout my outer life through any situation, event, or person that is challenging me. Regardless of the source or the origins of any challenge, Nawal Q'iiq', as the Breath of Life will transmute, transform, and allow the emergence of the soul behind everything to emerge.

Nawal Q'iiq', through the presence of the Heart of Wind, carry the Breath of Life through all forms of challenges. I ask for the assistance of the other Nawals, Marias, Martins, and other forces from Paq’alib’al to add their presence to the inner and outer Breath of Life behind Nawal Q'iiq'.

©All of the material in this blog in all forms, written, audio, video, pictures, etc. are under the Copyright

© 2025 by Conrad and Ilene Satala Seminars LLC,  Fort Wayne, Indiana USA. All rights Reserved.


Music behind podcasts by Beverly Rieger, 2018

iTunes: Wisdom Ablaze 2016  Track 6-Heart of Wisdom


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