Conrad SatalaComment

Living as a Modern Day Indigenous Soul

Conrad SatalaComment

Conrad major presentation at Gaianeering Conference 2017

Conrad and Fire

This is the description about Conrad at the Gaianeering Conference

Conrad Satala has been a psychotherapist in Transpersonal and Transformational Psychology since 1976. He is also a fully active elder shaman in the Tz'utujiil Maya Traditions in his village in Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala. He has followed the journey with David Spangler since his time at Findhorn and fully support the principles of Incarnational Spirituality (IS) as the core of our livingness as a human being. He is a co-resident of both East Coast-Fort Wayne, IN and the West Coast-Grover Beach, CA. Conrad  he is 69 years old

Conrad is assisting in the translations of the ways of ancient Indigenous cultures which have participated with the forces within life into a way of the Modern Day Indigenous Soul. According to Conrad's experience, the core principles of IS are a major part of this emergence. 

He has committed recently to another 20 year cycle to bring forward these principles both in his community in the village and the larger community of life of the living nature of the Modern Day Indigenous Soul.