Conrad Satala

Day 16 - Nawal Kamik - Meditations on Wisdom

Conrad Satala
Day 16 - Nawal Kamik - Meditations on Wisdom

“Meditation on Wisdom” for today Day 16 Tuesday 19 April 2022 Nawal Kamik the Third Cycle of the Lunar Calendar 5-4

If links do not open on my website with copy and paste into a browser, please go to the email that is delivered each morning at 7 am EST. Those links are active with just a click. Sorry for this inconvenience created by limitations of the website. 


Navigating Conrad’s Blog on Meditation on Wisdom” has grown since it Beginnings on 21 December 2021. These blogs are my personal notes I am creating each morning reflecting upon my focus of how I approach and how I am Living Life weaved within the Mayan Subtle world focus of Paq’alib’al.

These personal notes are that’s, unedited, raw, and at times grammatical, spelling, typos, and long sentence structure fully present. They all are freshly written, edited, and created around 3 am EDT before the sunrises, and are published by 7 am EDT nearly each morning. So they are my first attempts in exploring my inner connections into the subtle realms of the Tz’utujiil Maya Forces of Living Light of the “Ways of Perceiving – Ilah” to live my life through the support and the living co-partnership with the energy of Light of todays Wisdoms. Regardless of the sufferings and the challenges I am engaged with during these changing and unpredictable times within my world, I have a choice to what and how I express as my Life.

I am the Nab’eysiil of the Tz’utujiil Maya community in Guatemala. I am the carrier and the Keeper of the Wisdoms weaved within the Bundle of the Heart of Nature and the Keeper of the Wisdoms weaved within the Bundle of the Heart of Humanity. Before the sunrises each morning, as when the sunsets each evening, and throughout and in between these cycles, there is an constant dance of Subtle World Forces of Living Light available to me. These Subtle World Forces of Living Light is available to you, and available to everything and anything living on this Emerging Place of Earth.

The presence of Living Light exists within and behind everything and anything on this emerging planet. If it exists in physical form, regardless of how it is formed and shaped, a living Presence of Light is weaved into and within. This is so much larger then what our mind perceives to what is alive. Becoming awake with how our thoughts and feelings and the beliefs and intentions we hold are Alive and weaved within the Presence of Living Light. This Living Light is present within and behind every form of expression. From every object of physical matter to what it is that is spoken outwardly or spoken within. Everything holds a Presence of Living Light. This Living Light is weaved within and behind and becomes a container for the Living Light of the Unknown Wisdoms that desire to be expressed into everything and anything in the “Ways we are Living Life.” This Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities of the Wisdoms, are the expression of the Spirit and Dream held by the Living Spirit of Gaia. Living Life is our unique way we bring form and shape to the Dream of Gaia through the uniqueness held within us and how we choose to be an expression of Living Light behind everything and anything we are engaged within.

I explore the Road of Renewal each day, and throughout the day, allows me to be weaved within this living co-partnership with these Subtle World Forces. Together we engage my unique ways I participate within Living my Life from the Living Light of the Wisdoms of the Unknown Possibilities. This allows me to be a Generator of Light that I bring forward to the various forms and shapes of everything and anything I am engaged within and outsider of me.

This blog of “Reflections” has sprouted and grown into four major sections.

Section One reflects the “Journey of World Renewal” – the Collective Patterns discussing the Extended Ritual Cycles of the Tz’utujiil Maya parallel rituals to the Christian Rituals of leading up to and through the cycles of Death and Rebirth as explored during Holy Week. The Indigenous Ways are focused upon “Renewal.” There is no Death and Rebirth at the heart of Renewal. Instead, when a cycle enters it endings, at sunset of that cycle our bundle rests. Through the Mystery of the Living Lunar Light of night, our bundle is taken part, renewed, and weaved once again back to its initial clarity of Beginning Light. This is Beginning Light is weaved within the new Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities that are available for our new cycle that waits to emerge. At sunrise, we pick up what appears to be the same outer bundle we laid down at sunset. Yet our current bundle now is different. It is went through the natural Cycle of Renewal through the Mystery behind the Lunar cycles. The old ways were un-weaved, and now refreshed back to its original Light and weaved with the vibrant Living Light of the Unknown Wisdoms. We are ready to take our new steps onto our Road of Emergence. Exploring our new cycle of Living Life refreshed and renewed.

These writings, pictures, videos, and podcasts, in Section One reflect one form and shape of the Indigenous Ways of the Tz’utujiil Maya exploring the rituals of World Renewal.

Section Two reflect the “Journey of Personal Renewal” – our Individual Patterns. This section explores the same qualities we are exploring in the Collective Ways of World Renewal. Explores the various forms of co-partnership with these Subtle World Forces of Light to support our individual creative actions of Living Life.

Section Three reflects the “Weaving our Personal – Collective Intentions” with the Subtle World Living Light of Paq’alib’al through the 260 Day Lunar Cycle. This section began in mid January 2022 where I began to share my exploration in forming a living relationship between myself and the Living Light of the Subtle World Forces.

The journey through the 260 Day Lunar Cycle allows me to enter daily into a new co-partnership relationship with the various Subtle Forces of Living Light. This living co-partnership is what allows me the ability to walk through the challenges within my personal life and the challenges that I face through the collective patterns of life. Wisdom can only emerge when my unique First Fire of my heart and the unique First Fire of the heart behind the Collective Patterns can be weaved together into one Flow of Interconnectivity of Wisdom. This weaving supports me to enter the Road of my Personal Journey of Renewal and explore being a Generator of Living Light to myself, to others, and the physical and subtle worlds around me.

Section Four reflects the Unique Living Light behind the 260 Day Lunar Cycle of the Twenty Day Living Light of the Nawals. Each one of these twenty Nawals reflect a unique energy of Light that weaves me into my personal Journey of Renewal. This same cycle of twenty Nawals is repeated thirteen times in allowing me to explore the deeper inner working around my Personal Renewal. Through each twenty day cycle repeating through the thirteen cycles allows me each day and through each cycle to lay down my unique bundle at sunset in the ways I explore Living my Life today. So I may pick-up my Renewed Bundle refreshed each day within my new ways to explore Living my Life through my co-partnership relationships between the subtle and physical worlds.

This section always begins with one of Ilene Satala painting and reflections around what the Tz’utujiil Maya Indigenous Ways call “Good Medicine - Kox aq’oom.” The Road of Renewal, either Personal or Collective, is all about “Good Medicine - Kox aq’oom.” Good Medicine is the journey or road we participate with for our Mind, Body, Spirit in exploring the Road of Renewal. Where our ability is to be weaved within our “Heart of – Ruk’ux” to the “Heart of – Ruk’ux” within the Dream of Gaia to be weaved within the “Heart of – Ruk’ux” of the struggles, the challenges, the suffering, the separation we experience in life. The Weaving within the “Heart Behind Everything” and the “Heart Behind Anything” is the foundation of Living my Life as a “Generator of Light.” This is the foundation behind all forms of transformation and healing. This section gives us the Awareness of the various ways Wisdom is available to be weaved within us through the “Heart of – Ruk’ux” to choose other ways I may engage in Living my Life.


Section One:

Section One reflects the “Journey of World Renewal” – the Collective Patterns discussing the Extended Ritual Cycles of the Tz’utujiil Maya parallel rituals to the Christian Rituals of leading up to and through the cycles of Death and Rebirth as explored during Holy Week. The Indigenous Ways are focused upon “Renewal.” There is no Death and Rebirth at the heart of Renewal. Instead, when a cycle enters it endings, at sunset of that cycle our bundle rests. Through the Mystery of the Living Lunar Light of night, our bundle is taken part, renewed, and weaved once again back to its initial clarity of Beginning Light. This is Beginning Light is weaved within the new Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities that are available for our new cycle that waits to emerge. At sunrise, we pick up what appears to be the same outer bundle we laid down at sunset. Yet our current bundle now is different. It is went through the natural Cycle of Renewal through the Mystery behind the Lunar cycles. The old ways were un-weaved, and now refreshed back to its original Light and weaved with the vibrant Living Light of the Unknown Wisdoms. We are ready to take our new steps onto our Road of Emergence. Exploring our new cycle of Living Life refreshed and renewed. These writings, pictures, videos, and podcasts, in Section One reflect one form and shape of the Indigenous Ways of the Tz’utujiil Maya exploring the rituals of World Renewal.

Section One Links:

Word Doc


Section Two:

Section Two reflect the “Journey of Personal Renewal” – our Individual Patterns. This section explores the same qualities we are exploring in the Collective Ways of World Renewal. Explores the various forms of co-partnership with these Subtle World Forces of Light to support our individual creative actions of Living Life.

Section One Links:

Word Doc


Section Three:

Section Three Weaving our Personal – Collective Intentions with the Subtle World Living Light of Paq’alib’al through the 260 Day Lunar Cycle

In this Cycle Three, the weaving together of my Living Light within my Subtle Energy Body is being restored.

This emerges through the living co-partnership relationship that the Living Light of the Daily Nawals allows me to form with these Forces of Living Light. “Teach me through your Living Light of Rei Pascal, to place me onto my path to learn to have a Living Relationships with the Living Light of Nawal Na’ooj – the Rilaj Maam and Maria Kastelyaan. I ask to explore with the other Living Lights from the Living Lights of Wisdom, Maria Na’ooj - the Secret of Love Elder House and Nawal Juan Na’ooj and Nawal Diego Na’ooj. Gather and weave within me the Living Lights of the Wisdoms of the Unknown Possibilities that are available for me at this time of my life. So the inner Beauty that exist within me at the age of 74 may fully emerge, as I am exploring my Intentions in speaking to myself, and as I speak to others about this Living Light of my Wisdoms.”

At sunrise today, “Assist me the Living Lights of the various living forms of Nawal Na’ooj, to embrace and grow the Living Light within every part of who I Am in my Wholeness. Assist me to experience the Living Light of the Flow of Interconnectivity flowing through the inner fluidity as I am Re-Centered and Weaved today into a flowing matrix of Interconnectivity of Living Light. I have been re-centered and weaved today within my subtle and physical body’s within the Living Light of the Flow of Interconnectivity of Light forming the pathways between all the organic and inorganic and mineral form. I have been re-centered and weaved today between all plants, between all animals, between all humans, and between all electrical pulses and between everything and anything that exists in both physical and non-physical forms. I am living and being held within the dream that is available for me to emerge from the Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities from the subtle realms of the primordial waters.

At sunrise today, “Assist me the Living Lights of the various living forms of Nawal Na’ooj, to embrace and grow the Living Light within every part of who I Am in my Wholeness. Assist me to experience the Living Light of the Flow of Interconnectivity flowing through the inner fluidity as I am Re-Centered and Weaved today into a flowing matrix of Interconnectivity of Living Light. I have been re-centered and weaved today within my subtle and physical body’s within the Living Light of the Flow of Interconnectivity of Light forming the pathways between all the organic and inorganic and mineral form. I have been re-centered and weaved today between all plants, between all animals, between all humans, and between all electrical pulses and between everything and anything that exists in both physical and non-physical forms. I am living and being held within the dream that is available for me to emerge from the Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities from the subtle realms of the primordial waters.

Teach me Nawal Na’ooj in your Living Relationship with the Living Lights of the various Living Light Presences within the Heart of Earth and within the Heart of Sky to live within the knowing that my personal self, my personality at its core contains a unique Living Light of First Fire that is able to transmute any form of darkness, so I may be Living Life that supports every part of who I Am. Regardless of my acute or chronic diseases or pains, or sufferings or challenges or limitations of aging and throughout the different areas of my body. I Am this unique Living Light of First Fire which encompasses the Wholeness of Who I Am. I am not my diagnosis. I am not my pain. I am not my physical limitations. I am not my aging body. There is more to Who I Am at this moment in time.”

One of the most important qualities of today, Day 16 Light of the Living Nawal Kamik. I and we have been weaved together with all the various forces of Light through the previous twelve Living Nawals Days. I am now able to start my Living of Life in my co-partnership relationship with the Light of Gaia-Nawal Skirmeent.

As I walk into Living Life today at sunrise, I ask these various forms of Living Light that have been weaved within me, to weave this with the various qualities of Living Lights forming my relationships of my Living of Life as a True Gaian Human Being.

As I continue to explore my introductions to you during these first 80 Lunar Days of Light, through your various forms of Living Light- the Daily Nawals, your unique qualities of Living Light allow me to begin to experience the Living Light of Self-Compassion for my current ways of perceiving and my current ways of living my life of limitations and separations around my 74 year old body.

The most empowering gift of action I have to offer is the way I am choosing to be Living Life from the perspective of my story of co-partnering with the Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities. How I am living this within myself gives me a living perspective in how and what I am communicating this story to others. Each of us as our own unique Living Light of First Fire within. Through our unique Living Light of First Fire, I, we, will choose the various ways to perceive the events within my life today. This will emerge through me in the choices I make to communicate my words and the outer actions I take in Living Life.

The resonance of this Light of the Living Subtle Forces, and the resonance of the Living Light of the Wisdoms, along with the various others forces of the resonance of the Living Light within the Subtle Realms are now fully available and waiting to explore within me, within us. This Living Light is now simultaneously always available for me, and is simultaneously always available us, in all of the various ways I, we, are engaged in Living Life.

“If you build the intent within you, the subtle world will respond.”

Intentions are not tools. Intentions are the ways I deserve to live my life. Intentions are the ways I am asking my subconscious mind to assist me in living my life in what I believe I am really deserving. I began exploring the focus of my intentions since the late 1970’s. It all began through a series of physical healing and transformative experiences my body was undergoing that emerged spontaneously through my relationship within the subtle forces behind Nature.

Intentions change throughout my life cycle. “If you build the intent within you, the subtle world will respond,” had one meaning for me in my earlier adult life. Today, my focus on similar challenges in my life, where my intention I hold as a totally different set of focus.

It’s not unusual for me to feel and perceive myself today focused upon the choices I have in front of me. Each day I live in a constant awareness of choosing how I “deserve” to walk through my on-going challenges and suffering around these six ares of my various body burdens. The key words within this focus is the “on-going challenges and suffering.” Throughout my life, some of the burdens have been with me since early childhood. Others began later in life. By 1967, all six of these burdens where fully creating a living co-partnership relationship with me in Living Life.

So today, in my intentions during this 260 Day Lunar cycle, “where my physical body may be fully restored at the age of 74 into my unique Living Light of Unknown Possibilities. Not to look or physically do what I did in my 30’s. But to explore at this age of 74 in how I look and the actions I am physically able to explore within me as being a Living Generator of Light-Sunshine emerging through my full Unknown Possibilities.” These six primary areas have been in a living relationship with me since 1967. So as I focus upon DESERVING this new emerging at 74 years of age, my subconscious mind has much to say!

“If you build the intent within you, the subtle world will respond.”

Entering the Road of Renewal for my body, my living inner light emerges into a vibration or Presence of Living Light that allows the Road of Transmutation to be present. This new Living Light allows me to enter the Road of Renewal into the unknown possibilities for me today. The Presence of the various inner Living Lights of the Wisdoms establishes this entry point into this mystery through the Living Light of Compassion-especially Self-Compassion.

When I am struggling with the overwhelming, controlling perceptions that are being generated through the wounded history of my subconscious mind around my aging body. As I am struggling with the overwhelming, controlling perceptions that are being generated through the wounded history of my subconscious mind around the various ways my body and my mind perceives its limitations. Self-Compassion towards my self is the last focus I initially am able to remember.

This is why when the overwhelming wounded experiences I am fully engaged in towards my perceptions of my aging body, the Foundational Core of Light Ritual is the first place of Self-Compassion I explore. Without establishing my inner felt sense to the Flow of Living Light of the Interconnectivity both within and outside of me, especially around my aging body, whatever I think I am petitioning and opening into, usually is feeding the flow of further separation, pain, judgement, suffering, and challenges in the way I co-create with my body today.

Choosing to do the Foundation Core of Light Ritual, is an act of exploring Self-Compassion. Why is this? Our subconscious mind wounded experiences are so strong and so convincing about my current state of suffering, I believe at this moment that nothing I do or take will ever change this. This is where the addiction to drugs or other numbing procedures or habits can become part of my life. Exploring many of the ideas I am discussing here in “Reflections” is a journey, not necessarily an immediate solution to end my Suffering forever. I have been so conditioned through my traditional and Medical Pharmaceutical Models to get immediate relief from my suffering. As I approach the Road of Renewal, I immediately begin to expect the same.

The Road of Renewal is creating a living co-partnership relationship between my body to my mind to the subtle realms forces of Light. The stronger this relationship develops over time, it allows the Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities to be weaved within me. This changes the way I perceive myself to my sufferings and my challenges where the immediate end result is not what I am expecting.

I enter my Road of Renewal where the inner quality towards this emerging co-patterning relationship is my primary focus. This allows me to experience the inner mystery through my five phases of my journey where the Living Light of the Regenerative Energies within me is my primary focus. I may still take medication. I may still use other procedures within the traditional Medical Pharmaceutical Model. But my primary focus is on the Road of Renewal I am primary engaged with. This allows me to form a Living Co-Partnership Relationship through the various forms of the Living Light Behind the Regenerative energies guiding my journey. This allows me the ability to be weaved within the journey for the Emergence of my Unknown Possibilities to be explored each day.

“If you build the intent within you, the subtle world will respond.” “You the Living Light of Nawal Kamik, who holds the Living Light portal open between the Living Invisible Worlds and the Living Physical World. Through your portal that is being held open for me of this Living Light, allow my physical body to be weaved within your Living Light, so I may be fully restored at the age of 74 into my unique Beauty that will emerge through the Living Light of Unknown Possibilities. Assist me to experience Living Life ‘without the Suffering – without the Challenges – without the Pain – without the Limitations.’ I feel a deep great gratitude for you the Living Light of Nawal Kamik.”

I live life very well within my journey through my current physical body. I feel my inner and outer Beauty that emerges through me with the support of the Living Light of Unknown Possibilities as long as I choose to open to the Living Light of the Invisible Subtle Worlds supporting me. This living support is only available for me when I am weaved together within my unique Living Light of my First Fire. This is my free will choice.

From one perspective of my life, I live with these six burdens within my various body systems and organs that have always have the opportunity to be extremely challenging and dysfunctional. Besides any new fleeting challenges that can enter my life, are always present behind my inner backdrop. My engagement in outer activities especially covering the outer landscapes of ancient Indigenous sites along with the outer landscape of the Rainforests and Biospheres within Mexico and Central America still seemed quiet natural. This began with a quest in my early 30’s to discover “A More Beautiful World to Live within my Body” regardless of the five sensory feedback my whole body keeps presenting to me.

My outer mind could never make any sense of this inner strength that would support me like this. I first came into a awareness and eventual co-partnership relationship through a series of initiations in 2009-2010 with the 20-Daily Nawals and the 3 Creators of the these twenty and the emergence of the cycle of 260 Days. This 260 Day cycle incorporated for me a series of Living Intentions that supported me in perceiving that a “More Beautiful World” was possible to be lived regardless of the suffering and challenges. A more beautifully world can be lived both within my body, but also within my Mind.

Each one of the 20 days within this 260 cycle of Days, held its own Anwa experiences for me. The deeper inner meaning of its Living Light of the Wisdoms are continually unfolding within me, and unfolding within me in each cycle of 20 days. Each completion of the 13 cycles within these 20 days, allows me the felt sense knowing of the next emergence of a new weaving of my inner landscape. This living relationship within my inner landscape, my subtle energy body, supports my outer physical body along with my outer mind to override my history of my subconscious mind wounded and burdened memories. My ability to perceive a more beautiful world around me even within the chaos and the challenges of todays world, is only possible through my ability to live within this co-partnership relationship with the Living Light Forces within Paq’alib’al-the place of the Emergence of Nurturance behind all origins for the Tz’utujiil Maya.

The modern day Maya perceive this cycle of 260 Days as their sacred calendar cycle, their lunar count of nights. While their other primary calendar, the agricultural calendar consists of 18 cycles with 20 days cycles within each of the 18, creating a 360 days cycle as their solar days. This included a cycle of five day at the end of each 360 days totaling a solar calendar of 365 days. The combination of the lunar and solar days gives us one cycle of time consisting of 52 years called the Calendar Round. This dates back to the origin of their calendar system dating back 5,125 years cycle of history. This cycle began in 3114 BC and completed itself in 2012 AD. This time frame of 5,125 years created the emergency of ONE (1) long count cycle of time. Within this unique one cycle of time, never does one day ever repeats itself in the quality of Living Light Energy. Each cycle at the tradition from the Living Lunar Light emerges into the Living Sunrise Light, allowing me to be a Living Participant in the Renewal of my Living Light of uniqueness to be lived now in a similar way since the beginning of the Time of Humanity within our current form since 3114 BC!

Today Living Light of Nawal Kamik traditionally is interpreted as “Death,” the termination of something. Over the years I have lived within this living co-partnership relationship with both the Living Light of the 3 creators of this lunar cycle, and especially with the Living Light of Nawal Kamik, there are the deeper inner Wisdoms behind the meaning of Death and the termination of something.

What I call the “Deeper Inner Wisdoms” is also called the “Living Mystical Traditions” that is behind every Religion. This also Lives behind the Newtonian Model of our Worldview. This also Lives Behind Epigenetics. This also Lives behind the Synchronicity of Life. This also Lives behind our Model of Co-Operation Deserving to emerge behind Everything and to emerge behind Anything that exist within our Physical and Subtle weaved nature of Earth.

The Living Light of the Wisdom behind Death is not the termination or ending. For the Ancient Indigenous Ones, nothing ever ends. The Living Light of Renewal is always behind and ready to emerge into its new form and new shape, for the continuation of the next new cycle. From one day, to a cycle of 260 days, to a cycle of 360 days, to a cycle of 52 years, to a cycle of 5,125 years. So on the 20 December 2012, what was completed at sunset, was picked up on the 21 December 2012 at sunrise was the renewal of the 5,125 year cycle to begin in its new form and new shape the next long body count cycle of 5,125 years. Every shift in the Indigenous Ways always hold two simultaneous Perceptions. One perceptions hold the obvious ways of the dualities in Living Life. Another simultaneous perception hold the mystical-the deeper inner wisdoms ways of Living Life. Allowing the Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities to be weaved within our unique Living Light of First Fire allows us to Perceive the mystical-the deeper inner wisdoms ways of Living Life. This is the Living Purpose for being alive as a True Gaian Human Being. This is the Living Purpose for the Rituals of Renewal of the outer landscape of matter.

In September of 2012 I was initiated into being the “Judge” for the most sacred bundles of the Tz’utujiil Maya, the Rilaj Maam and the Martin Bundle of Nature and the Maria Bundle for Humanity. Through these two initiated positions, I held the light for unknown possibilities for each of the individuals that were responsible for the physical actions in the world for the Rilaj Maam and the Martin and Maria Bundles. I was the one that opened the portal between the subtle and physical worlds that allowed the Living Light of both to be weaved together into the Living Light of Living Life.

This was followed in January of 2013, where I was the first and only non Tz’utujiil Maya to Dance the Tree of Life for the renewal of the cycle of the Wold of the Tz’utujiil Maya. I also danced the Heart of the Corn for the Renewal of Light and Life for agricultural which feeds the Living Light of Humans in the world.

These series of initiated events from 2009 through 2013 allowed me to experience a Living co-partnership with the Living Forces of Light of the inner landscape of the Tz’utujiil Maya subtle realms of Paq’alib’al. Through my living experiences of these five years, I hold a living felt sense of knowing that the Light of the Living Portal of which Nawal Kamik holds open is for the Emergence of a new way to Live Life. This can only happen when the Living Light of the Unknown Possibilities can enter and be weaved within our physical body and mind and support the emergence of all forms of physical matter around us for all of eternity.

Blessings and Love Conrad

Section Four:

Section Four reflects the Unique Living Light behind the 260 Day Lunar Cycle of the Twenty Day Living Light of the Nawals. Each one of these twenty Nawals reflect a unique energy of Light that weaves me into my personal Journey of Renewal. This same cycle of twenty Nawals is repeated thirteen times in allowing me to explore the deeper inner working around my Personal Renewal. Through each twenty day cycle repeating through the thirteen cycles allows me each day and through each cycle to lay down my unique bundle at sunset in the ways I explore Living my Life today. So I may pick-up my Renewed Bundle refreshed each day within my new ways to explore Living my Life through my co-partnership relationships between the subtle and physical worlds.

This section always begins with one of Ilene Satala painting and reflections around what the Tz’utujiil Maya Indigenous Ways call “Good Medicine - Kox aq’oom.” The Road of Renewal, either Personal or Collective, is all about “Good Medicine - Kox aq’oom.” Good Medicine is the journey or road we participate with for our Mind, Body, Spirit in exploring the Road of Renewal. Where our ability is to be weaved within our “Heart of – Ruk’ux” to the “Heart of – Ruk’ux” within the Dream of Gaia to be weaved within the “Heart of – Ruk’ux” of the struggles, the challenges, the suffering, the separation we experience in life. The Weaving within the “Heart Behind Everything” and the “Heart Behind Anything” is the foundation of Living my Life as a “Generator of Light.” This is the foundation behind all forms of transformation and healing. This section gives us the Awareness of the various ways Wisdom is available to be weaved within us through the “Heart of – Ruk’ux” to choose other ways I may engage in Living my Life.

Goddess of the Portal Between Inner Outer Time (Goddess of the Sacred Oak painting by Ilene Satala)

The description and title for this painting has not emerged yet

Practical Wisdom of Nawal Kamik

The Light of Nawal Kamik completes the cycle of endings and beginnings. Light of Nawal Kamik is the guardian of the doorway or the portal that today is fully opens between the outer five-sensory world and the heart of the Gaia, along with the subtle world of Paq’alib’al. This doorway is open for all of time. As you progress through these last 16 days, and as you explore the relationships with both the Light of the Daily Nawals and the Light of the various Formative forces of Wisdom, the flow of the Wisdom Energy is always available. Wisdom Energy is behind all darkness and its light from the moon and stars will always transform into the new dawning of the solar light of the sun. Can you open to believe in the support of this Wisdom?

This Doorway of Light, allows the flow of Wisdom Energy to always be present. This Wisdom Energy supports the flow for the energies of the Marias, of the Nawals, of the Martins, Rilaj Maam, Rei Pascal, and other subtle forces of Paq’alib’al to be available 24/7 whenever you choose to ask for its assistance. Today, this is portal is available to us for all of eternity around whatever intentions or petitions we have taken through this journey.

We are never alone and we are always in the flow of the interconnectivity of the Light of Wisdom between the subtle and physical worlds. The heart of our Ancestors also flows through this same doorway adding its presence to all things that flow between the visible and invisible worlds. Through this flow of the Light of Wisdom Energy is what allows the Light of the Unknown Possibilities to emerge.

The Light of Nawal Kamik literally means Death. Death for the Indigenous Soul cultures is not an ending, but always an opening - a doorway to a new beginning. As you call upon the presence of Nawal Kamik, inform it that it is not your time to physically die and it should not block us from the emergence of Living Life.

Call upon the Light of Nawal Kamik to open you to the unknown opportunities in your life. Allow this Light of Nawal Kamik to be your co-partner. Ask it to assist you through the doorway between endings and beginnings.

Call upon the Light of Nawal Kamik to assist you to enter this mystery of transmutation, transformation, and emergence into your new unknown possibilities. Assist me to be the Light that is available to me so I may continue Living Life with purpose and meaning.

Daily Reflections on Nawal Kamik

I call upon you the Light of Nawal Kamik, to support me through the flow of the Light of Wisdom Energy to face all challenges and live my life through kindness, love, gentleness, and caring. I desire to create my unique unknown possibilities. Develop my co-partnership with you the Light of Nawal Kamik.

The new Light of Wisdom Energy is always available for me to choose this focus in any event, with any person, or in any and all situations.

Assist me to choose the Light of Wisdom Energy over the challenging energy behind all things physical with my body.

Assist me to choose the Light of Wisdom Energy over the challenging energy behind all things mental.

Assist me to choose the Light of Wisdom Energy over the challenging energy behind all things emotional.

Assist me to choose the Light of Wisdom Energy over the challenging energy behind all of my attitudes and beliefs.

Assist me to choose the Wisdom Energy over the challenging energy behind the way I perceive all events and situations.

Assist me, the Light of Nawal Kamik, to transmute and transform anything into the new emergence of my unique First Fire Light to support all of life!

11 Supportive Video Access for Reflections of a Living Nab’eysiil

Video Clips - Copy and Paste into a Browser

Unlock the Creative Light Force within 18:37

Four False Beliefs that Society is Built Upon 17:03

How to Create Heaven on Earth 13:44

Are Memories Stored In Water Zach Bush 15:35

Water Blessings Song Guatemala 7:00

Speaking to the Water 5:08

The Consciousness of Water 3:13

Maseru Emoto Experiment in Gratitude 1:39

Maseru Emoto Water Experiments 5:00

A Gathering of the Tribe 9:17

Heartfelt Prayer to Recognize the Beauty in Life Zach Bush 10:17

1 Supportive Audio Access for Reflections of a Living Nab’eysiil

Foundational Core Of Light Ritual January 2022 6:45

©All of the material in this blog in all forms, written, audio, video, pictures, etc. are under the Copyright © 2022 by Conrad and Ilene Satala Seminars LLC, Fort Wayne, Indiana USA. All rights Reserved.