Meditations on Wisdom

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Meditations on Wisdom
Meditations on Wisdom Wednesday 10 April 2024
Wholeness can only Emerge
within a Gaian Nature-Centric world view!
A Gaian Nature-Centric world view
is at the heart of the
Tz’utujiil Maya Way of Living
This next cycle of 2024 “Meditations on Wisdom” will begin a more direct focus on exploring the differences between learning and living from a Human-Centric world view versus learning and living from our Inner Nature. Which is always fully weaved within our Wholeness assisting us to express a Gaian Nature-Centric world view.
A Human-Centric world view is the primary focus behind the ways learning exists within our current form of education. All knowledge base learning is part of a Human Centric Way of learning.
A Gaian Nature-Centric world view has been the primary focus of learning behind the ways the Indigenous experienced and lived within the support of Wisdom.
Human-Centric is taught.
Gaian Nature-Centric is experienced.
Allowing me to emerge living and held within a World View that is shared within all forms of Nature. This is experienced through the Heart Behind Everything – the Heart Behind Anything – the Heart Behind Everyone!
I wrote this original piece flying home from my visit in the Tikal Biosphere in the Peten area of Guatemala on 14 August 2023.
Friday 1 March 2024, when I returned from initiating a series of ceremonies within the sacred Mountain for Water and Rain. This was followed by initiating a ceremony within the sacred Cave for the Emergence of Wisdom. I also experienced today for my first time, a short ceremony at the “Living Stream” for the Tz’utujiil Maya.
This stream never changes in depth, flow, and clarity of water. Regardless within draught, within flooding, within changes within the landscape all around this stream. This Living stream remains the same as it is weaved within the sacred landscape of the flowing waters around this landscape.
I was drawn to read once again this same piece I wrote in 2023 from returning from the Tikal Biosphere in Guatemala, and another way of perceiving this same awareness was experienced within me as my opening into the deeper inner levels of my Inner Nature - “The Living Light within my Gaian Nature-Centric Worldview.”
Place of K’aslik ya’ - Place of the Living Stream
Just spending a few minutes here in my simple ceremony, I felt my Mind was being naturally weaved within and was now experiencing a way of support by my Inner Nature’s weaving within Gaia’s Nature Centric Way of living. The next morning this emerged:
Living Light within a Gaian Nature-Centric Worldview
My Inner Nature is weaved within the inner nature of Gaia
Supporting the life of all that exists
All that exists within the seen and unseen world of Gaia
Allowing us,
Allowing me,
to live life within the “Dream of the unknown possibilities”
The gift of Light that lives within Gaia
The gift of Light that Gaia generates holds for us.
All of Life,
Including myself as a Being that is Human,
Weaved within this dance of Light
Weaved within this Light that is alive within all of inner nature.
This Light, weaved within the heart behind the living, breathing, flowing, emerging web of interconnectivity.
Each time I as a Gaian Being of Light that is human,
I consciously chooses and say “Yes”
Yes, in sharing my unique living light.
A unique Light that is weaved and radiates back to all of life within and around me.
Always changing,
Always emerging,
Always flowing,
Within the Wholeness of Gaian Light.
I am weaved within
I am weaved within and supported by this Living Light,
A Living Light within the Light of All That Exists!”
For this Light:
Is Life that is Seen
Is Life that is below the surface of the Seen
Is Life that is Unseen.
My body:
Weaved within this Light
Weaved within Life’s Inner Nature
Weaved within a supporting emergence in living Life within all of ways of Beingness.
Living at One
Living within the communication of Gaia’s Living Light
Weaved within the heart of Gaian Life
A Light alive within Everything
A Light alive within Anything
A Light alive within Everyone.
A Living Light weaved within all that is seen and unseen
Sharing our collaboration within the Emergence of Life Living
Living Life within Everything
Living Life within Anything
Living Life within Everyone!
Through this weaving of Light,
supporting me living an an active participant within the world of Gaian Life.
We live within the Light of our Beingness
We live within our Wholeness
We live within the Flow of Living Light.
We share this Light
Within the Dance of Light
The Light of the Seen
The Light of the Unseen
This Dance is the Emergence of our weaved Inner Nature within the Presence of the Living Light of the Living Dream of Gaia.
For all Unknown Possibilities will always be available
For All Light is weaved within our Life through our Beingness!
Blessings Love Conrad
Holder of the Light of the Nab’eysiil within the Light of the Tz’utujiil Maya
The best way to read this blog is through my website. This blog can be experienced more directly in the ways I hope to present to you. The print, and images, and video and all the links are full activated for the ease of your experience.
©All of the material in this blog in all forms, written, audio, video, pictures, etc. are under the Copyright © 2024 by Conrad and Ilene Satala Seminars LLC, Fort Wayne, Indiana USA. All rights Reserved.
Inner Silence :
Weaving Energy Intelligence Behind Everyday Life
First read the Cinquain Poem on the Tree of Life, then Press Play to Experience the Calling of the Tree of Life Force into your Body or Copy and Paste the link into your Browser to DropBox to play it there.
A cinquain poem is an unrhymed five line poetic form defined by words to express what you are sensing about each Daily Tree of Life Photo
The Heart of the Wisdom Teachings of the Tz’utujiil Maya Tree of Life in didactic Cinquain form:
Fragile Essence
Sprouting Growing Flowering
Unique Unknown Potentials Possibilities
Wholeness can only Emerge
within Living within a Gaian Nature-Centric world view!
Wednesday 10 April 2024
Various ways to experience the inner shifting landscape from a Human-Centric into a Gaian Nature-Centric World View
Living Gratitude- from an Indigenous Way as experienced within Totality
Gratitude from a Human Centric Way is a feeling and a thinking process for being thankful for a person, an event, or something that has occurred in one’s life. One experiences through one's thoughts and emotions a genuine feeling or awareness of appreciation.
Gratitude from a Gaian Nature Centric Way is when we experience the quality of Light within us and behind the words we speak and the experiences we are weaved within.
Gratitude is our first responsibility as a being that is human living within a Gaian Nature Centric Way. Listen to Robin Kimmerer “Earth Day 2020 Observance” 5:36:
Highlights from this talk:
Gratitude within an Indigenous Way
we're reminded of our humility
we are reminded of the power of the very smallest of beings
were reminded how much we need each other
we're reminded of gratitude
in indigenous cultures all over the world are known as cultures of gratitude, as my own Potawatomi people always teach that gratitude is people's first responsibility
…. 3:41
through the Thanksgiving address place a high value on human people giving gratitude
you know the pandemic might lead us to focus on everything that we don't have in this moment
everything that we've lost and that of course is a natural impulse
and we do have losses and there's a lot of suffering
…. 4:29
speak with such gratitude
every day to focus on what we do have
we have sunrise
we have birdsong
we have art and music to lift our spirits
imagination and intellect to solve problems
we have so much love for each other and that supports the sacrifices that we have to make
we have this breath of fresh spring air
and I don't know about you but I have never been so conscious of breath
we have soil and water and farmers and nurses and doctors and grocery workers
we have daffodils blooming
We have family and friends
we have my camera woman here
…. 5:25
we have our meaningful work
of caring for people and for planet
we have a lot to be grateful for.
Now listen and download or stream Conrad on the turtle drum “Gratitude” 7:08:
Quality of Light
Behind these words
Of Gratitude
Lifting spirits
Solving problems
Love for each other
Love for self
Love supporting
Our sacrifices
Fresh spring air
Grocery workers
Daffodils blooming
Plants growing
Animals signing
Caring for people
Caring for planet
Caring for each other
Caring for self
Creating a culture of Gratitude
Creating Gratitude
My first responsibility
Giving Gratitude
Receiving Gratitude
Grateful for this
Gratitude for more
Living as
My Gaian Nature
Become aware, explore the “Art of Remembering” to experience these words of Gratitude from your inner Gaian Nature versus reading a list of words from your mind.
Monday, in experiencing the full Eclipse, 99% of Totality here in Fort Wayne, left me experiencing many unique patterns of Light and Energy, of which I have never experienced before. These are my personal experiences of 24 hours beginning Sunday between 4-5 pm till Monday a little after 4 pm.
I woke up Sunday morning around 3 am from a dream of being in a state of meditation and contemplation throughout the Eclipse. I initially had planned to work seeing people throughout this time. Clearing my schedule for Monday opened me to explore more fully these 24 hours from my unique Gaian Nature Way.
Eating dinner in a restaurant Sunday evening, I suddenly became aware of a shifting within the collective patterns of light and energy. A bit disorienting in my focus. The environment of my outer awareness seems to remain as stable as my outer awareness can usually be! While my inner awareness was experiencing a strong pattern of light and energy slowing separating and dissolving and coming apart. Yet, in a nuturing an comforting organized way.
Completing dinner and conversation with a dear friend, returning home realizing that these strong patterns of light and energy was the shifting of the subtle energy in completing the cycle of subtle light and energy prior to Totality. I was inwardly taken back to Copán Honduras, Stela D, were in hieroglyphic writing and in carved images a Nobel shaman, was caring a bundle on his back. Representing the current patterns of light and energy for a cycle within this ceremonial time that was ready to be ending. Lying this bundle down at the end of this cycle at sunset of the current completing of this ceremonial cycle. Then at sunrise, as a new dawning was emerging. Beginning a new cycle within ceremonial time, picking up the same bundle, yet different, engaging within the new cycles of living life.
This inner image from Copán, created for me a template to look at this outer occurrence of the total eclipse that was already occurring and changing within the subtle realms of light and energy. While in the everyday outer awareness we still had time before the outer window of time for the eclipse can be seen.
A note that the ancient Maya accuracy of exploring liner time, when we use their pattern of predictability for full and partial lunar solar eclipses, their accuracy several thousand years ago can predict the current solar lunar eclipses of today. For their inner nature is an empowering of knowing the cycles of wisdom, including in outer time, as any high-speed computer of today. While Europe, and other parts of the planet, where in the Dark Ages of knowing around the cycles of time.
Throughout these 24 hours these various patterns of light and energy both within the subtle realms and what I was observing as subtle outer awareness with my eyes wide open, was showing me unique patterns of light and energy in patterns I had never observed before. In outer time, starting at 1:53 pm EDT, the eclipse would be starting. Coming into a 99% maximum eclipse at 3:10 pm EDT. Ending at 4:24 pm EDT here in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Note: the land here in Fort Wayne is part of the landscape of the Indigenous Potawatomi Nation.
As I flowed in between deep meditation into outer time of contemplation, my inner and outer visual experiences observed unique changes in the patterning of light and energy. Initially experiencing the flux of changes in the subtle realms of light and energy all around me. Both within my apartment and the hundreds of statues, textiles, paintings, and outer artifacts of the Tz’utujiil and other Mayan and Indigenous tribes around the world. Along with the outer landscape of nature. Including the portal of the three rivers of this region conversing outside of my constant view and weaved within my subtle body of light and energy.
Throughout the late morning and early afternoon, observing on live streaming when Totality touched the land mass starting within a region of Mexico. Emerging into the shifting of a stillness of inner quiet, a knowing felt sense of calm within outer matter. Supporting my body and mind into participating and observing myself into the weaving of Totality again and again. Each time opening me into my unique flowing of my mystical tears of Wonder and Joy. Observing Totality in 7 different physical locations during this streaming event, occurring these same inner felt sense and outer awareness each time. When Totality emerged within Indianapolis, and then five minutes later here in Fort Wayne, with 99% of Totality being present.
I captured these images of two flames of candles, where I had invited these patterns of light and energy to flow through the fire of the flames into my outer world awareness.
While observing these other 6 outer landscapes experiences of Totality, while here in my home landscape region experiencing something very different that was occurring.
Simultaneously, two very different subtle experiences emerging at the same time. At the start of the Eclipse here in Fort Wayne, at exactly 1:53 pm EDT, I felt the light and energy of what was beginning to come apart. Not in a chaotic, unstable way. Rather, in an unknown pattern of coming apart, dissolving, untangling, and separating of light and energy of what was known. This I had felt before in the patterns of Repair and Healing of what is. Although this was within an unknown set of patterns dissolving, there was still a pattern of knowing that everything within and around me felt safe.
When Totality emerged at 3:10 pm EDT, for those few minutes in outer time, there was a stillness, within both inner and outer awareness held within a calmness of my body and mind. While the mystical tears of Wonder and Joy was fully flowing. The “Presence of the Living Light subtle Being” was allowing the new light and energy of the unknown possibilities and potentially for the new cycle of time to emerge.
As Totality was completing, through the movement apart of moon and sun, allowing the light and energy for Regeneration, Rejuvenation, Renewal, and the Emergence of the living Light and Energy for this next cycle of time to emerge into its new weaving patterns. This pattern continued until 4:24 pm EDT with the Eclipse completing its cycle here. To the extent that the live streaming was able to take me back into the other 6 experiences on the path of totality, I felt a similar set of patterns being present in each of these locations on the earth.
Beside the amazement and wonder of these direct experiences, more amazing was the language consistently used by reporters and anchors of this event. Consistently describing this event as a spiritual and the mystical nature of what these experiences were merging together for the people involved. I do not ever recall, where five sensory media described an event consistently with this form of language. Let alone the number of people from all over the world from various cultures and beliefs sharing time and space together within inner and outer silence and stillness.
Maybe this event of Totality, is the gift of reset from the subtle realms through the Heart of Sky and the Heart of Earth way for us to experience the biological process of quorum sensing. Opening us into the opportunity to experience that we are of one planet Earth, able to inwardly and outwardly experiencing the totality of our wholeness of our true inner nature engaging and being weaved within the “Heart of Nature” of our commonality and yet individual uniqueness held within the same moment of time.
Here are a series of images that captured for me this above experiences.
2:32 pm EDT 39 minutes into Eclipse 2 images above and below
2:39 pm EDT. 46 minutes into Eclipse 2 images above and below
2:54 pm EDT 57 minutes into Eclipse 2 images above and below
3:04 pm EDT 49 minutes into Eclipse 2 images above and below
3:04 pm EDT 49 minutes into Eclipse 1 image above
3:05 pm EDT 50 minutes into Eclipse 1 image above, 5 minutes to 99% Totality
Click this link to watch a video starting at 3:09 pm, one minute before and into 99% Totality lasting 3 minutes
3:12pm EDT 2 minutes into 99% Totality image above and image below 3:13 pm EDT 3 minutes into 99% Totality
3:14 pm EDT 4 minutes into 99% Totality image above and image below 3:15 pm EDT 5 minutes into 99% Totality
A few weeks ago, I explored a piece of Turtle Drumming from a Gaian Nature Centric Way, one form of reciprocity we can offer back to Nature, is in our ability to allow Nature to nourish and nurture while educating our Mind into a new way of living within the harmony of Nature inner intelligence. Again, allowing yourself to experience my poem on exploring Gratitude for the struggling mind we all posses, is one form of reciprocity we can express. Reading this and thinking about this only gives us a Human Centric Way of knowing our Mind. Allowing yourself to experience the doing and its emerging feelings allows us to experience a Gaian Nature Centric Way of reciprocity. Again, here is my words of Gratitude to Mind, followed by my reading and me playing the Turtle Drum in experiencing and embracing the living Presence of Gratitude.
Tuesday 19 March 2024 - Conrad:
Whenever I feel great struggling of my mind
I honor the struggle of my mind.
I invite my inner nature to hold a space for love, Nuturing, caring and supporting of my mind.
I Invite my mind to be embraced and nurtured within my inner nature.
I invite my mind to be weaved within my inner nature.
I invite the inner nature around me to weave, support, and embrace my mind with love.
I invite my inner nature to share the Light of Wisdom within the Heart of Nature and love to my mind.
I invite my inner nature to share it’s Living Light with my Mind and show the various ways my Mind can experience, and the various ways my Mind can feel the gratitude that emerges when my inner and outer Nature holds the space for my Mind to experience its new ways of being.
That holds the space for my Mind way of learning its new ways of living.
I Sit quietly with this.
I Feel the wholeness of nature weaving me.
My inner felt sense supports my Mind and Nature weaved as one living generating Light.
Below is a link of my reading this piece to the rhythm of the Mayan Turtle Drum the bring the Presence of wisdom into the world during the 17 days of Birthing the New cycle of Wisdom.
Here, a short video 1:08 from the “Birthing of New Wisdom done at the ending beginning cycles of 2023-2024 this year. Followed by an image of the playing of this drum.
Blessings Love Conrad
Holder of the Light of the Nab’eysiil within the Light of the Tz’utujiil Maya