Meditations on Wisdom

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Meditations on Wisdom
Meditations on Wisdom Wednesday 3 April 2024
Wholeness can only Emerge
within a Gaian Nature-Centric world view!
A Gaian Nature-Centric world view
is at the heart of the
Tz’utujiil Maya Way of Living
This next cycle of 2024 “Meditations on Wisdom” will begin a more direct focus on exploring the differences between learning and living from a Human-Centric world view versus learning and living from our Inner Nature. Which is always fully weaved within our Wholeness assisting us to express a Gaian Nature-Centric world view.
A Human-Centric world view is the primary focus behind the ways learning exists within our current form of education. All knowledge base learning is part of a Human Centric Way of learning.
A Gaian Nature-Centric world view has been the primary focus of learning behind the ways the Indigenous experienced and lived within the support of Wisdom.
Human-Centric is taught.
Gaian Nature-Centric is experienced.
Allowing me to emerge living and held within a World View that is shared within all forms of Nature. This is experienced through the Heart Behind Everything – the Heart Behind Anything – the Heart Behind Everyone!
I wrote this original piece flying home from my visit in the Tikal Biosphere in the Peten area of Guatemala on 14 August 2023.
Friday 1 March 2024, when I returned from initiating a series of ceremonies within the sacred Mountain for Water and Rain. This was followed by initiating a ceremony within the sacred Cave for the Emergence of Wisdom. I also experienced today for my first time, a short ceremony at the “Living Stream” for the Tz’utujiil Maya.
This stream never changes in depth, flow, and clarity of water. Regardless within draught, within flooding, within changes within the landscape all around this stream. This Living stream remains the same as it is weaved within the sacred landscape of the flowing waters around this landscape.
I was drawn to read once again this same piece I wrote in 2023 from returning from the Tikal Biosphere in Guatemala, and another way of perceiving this same awareness was experienced within me as my opening into the deeper inner levels of my Inner Nature - “The Living Light within my Gaian Nature-Centric Worldview.”
Place of K’aslik ya’ - Place of the Living Stream
Just spending a few minutes here in my simple ceremony, I felt my Mind was being naturally weaved within and was now experiencing a way of support by my Inner Nature’s weaving within Gaia’s Nature Centric Way of living. The next morning this emerged:
Living Light within a Gaian Nature-Centric Worldview
My Inner Nature is weaved within the inner nature of Gaia
Supporting the life of all that exists
All that exists within the seen and unseen world of Gaia
Allowing us,
Allowing me,
to live life within the “Dream of the unknown possibilities”
The gift of Light that lives within Gaia
The gift of Light that Gaia generates holds for us.
All of Life,
Including myself as a Being that is Human,
Weaved within this dance of Light
Weaved within this Light that is alive within all of inner nature.
This Light, weaved within the heart behind the living, breathing, flowing, emerging web of interconnectivity.
Each time I as a Gaian Being of Light that is human,
I consciously chooses and say “Yes”
Yes, in sharing my unique living light.
A unique Light that is weaved and radiates back to all of life within and around me.
Always changing,
Always emerging,
Always flowing,
Within the Wholeness of Gaian Light.
I am weaved within
I am weaved within and supported by this Living Light,
A Living Light within the Light of All That Exists!”
For this Light:
Is Life that is Seen
Is Life that is below the surface of the Seen
Is Life that is Unseen.
My body:
Weaved within this Light
Weaved within Life’s Inner Nature
Weaved within a supporting emergence in living Life within all of ways of Beingness.
Living at One
Living within the communication of Gaia’s Living Light
Weaved within the heart of Gaian Life
A Light alive within Everything
A Light alive within Anything
A Light alive within Everyone.
A Living Light weaved within all that is seen and unseen
Sharing our collaboration within the Emergence of Life Living
Living Life within Everything
Living Life within Anything
Living Life within Everyone!
Through this weaving of Light,
supporting me living an an active participant within the world of Gaian Life.
We live within the Light of our Beingness
We live within our Wholeness
We live within the Flow of Living Light.
We share this Light
Within the Dance of Light
The Light of the Seen
The Light of the Unseen
This Dance is the Emergence of our weaved Inner Nature within the Presence of the Living Light of the Living Dream of Gaia.
For all Unknown Possibilities will always be available
For All Light is weaved within our Life through our Beingness!
Blessings Love Conrad
Holder of the Light of the Nab’eysiil within the Light of the Tz’utujiil Maya
The best way to read this blog is through my website. This blog can be experienced more directly in the ways I hope to present to you. The print, and images, and video and all the links are full activated for the ease of your experience.
©All of the material in this blog in all forms, written, audio, video, pictures, etc. are under the Copyright © 2024 by Conrad and Ilene Satala Seminars LLC, Fort Wayne, Indiana USA. All rights Reserved.
Inner Silence :
Weaving Energy Intelligence Behind Everyday Life
First read the Cinquain Poem on the Tree of Life, then Press Play to Experience the Calling of the Tree of Life Force into your Body or Copy and Paste the link into your Browser to DropBox to play it there.
A cinquain poem is an unrhymed five line poetic form defined by words to express what you are sensing about each Daily Tree of Life Photo
The Heart of the Wisdom Teachings of the Tz’utujiil Maya Tree of Life in didactic Cinquain form:
Fragile Essence
Sprouting Growing Flowering
Unique Unknown Potentials Possibilities
Wholeness can only Emerge
within Living within a Gaian Nature-Centric world view!
Wednesday 3 April 2024
Various ways to experience the inner shifting landscape from a Human-Centric into a Gaian Nature-Centric World View
The Horizontal Way is at the Heart of a Gaian Nature-Centric Way
I would like you to focus this week upon David Spangler “The Horizontal Way” of exploring Wholeness. When I read this a few weeks ago, so many of my experiences I felt within my body over the last forty plus years came into place. The Horizional Way – a Gaian Nature Centric Way has always supported me into experiencing a quality behind my “Daily Ways of Living.”
When I had this as the core of my foundation, then what David describes as the vertical way became a totally different foundation for the actions I perceived, and the various ways I communicated within myself and the others outside of me. I was supported into a natural flow and way within the uniqueness of my Wholeness.
This core form of Living Light allows me to naturally live life from A Gaian Nature Centric Way “Behind Everything that I came into contact with” within myself or the outside world around me.
This core form of Living Light allows me to naturally live life from A Gaian Nature Centric Way “Behind Anything I am doing” within myself or the outside world around me.
This core form of Living Light allows me to naturally live life from A Gaian Nature Centric Way “Behind Anyone I comer into contact with” within myself or the outside world around me.
From a Human Centric Way, we have been taught that success in Living Life can only happen through the way of mastering “survival of the fittest.”
From a Gaian Nature Centric Way, through our experiences of Living Life we know that our success depends upon the ways we are to master “Symbiosis-a mutual beneficial relationship between different people and groups.” This next step in our evolution will only emerge for those forms of Nature that are willing to explore Living Life from a co-operative way of relationships-Symbiosis.
David’s “Simple Primer On Incarnational Spirituality” is the first paper I have read that lays out the way of Living this. Please spend time this week exploring the ways you can experience this “Horizontal Way” David describes. And then opening to the “Blended Way” of living.
Here is a link to the full paper I gave you last week:
This is the link to Lorian Newsletter 18 March 2024:
Here is the link to David Article on “A Simple Primer on Incarnational Spirituality:”
The Horizontal Way David Spangler
A Simple Primer On Incarnational Spirituality by David Spangler
Pages 8-13 Below:
What I have been describing is a simple—one might even say simplistic—distillation of the vertical approach of advancing
one’s integration and wholeness along a hierarchy of energies
and potentialities. What about the horizontal way?
The horizontal approach works differently. It seeks attunement
to one’s sacredness and Light Body, which can be considered
the function of the soul that holds the incarnation in wholeness
through love and Light rather than through specific frequencies
of subtle and physical energies. In a way, it’s like our skin that
surrounds and holds all the various organs and systems that
make up our bodies. The skin is one great organ of holding
within which many different organs of metabolism and
physiological functioning can take place.
Our incarnations are held in wholeness by our Body of Light;
it’s what makes us a single incarnational organism. It is the
“skin” of the soul. It was to this that John and his colleagues
asked me to attune.
To fully understand this Light Body and the nature of the
“horizontal” approach to integration and wholeness, we need to
understand a simple principle:
Sacredness is a matter of presence and identity, not of
energy; It is undifferentiated, unconditional Light,
undefined by hierarchy.
Almost all of the insights and practices of Incarnational
Spirituality are based on this principle. It means, for example,
that the sacredness—the Presence of the Sacred—in my sofa is
neither more nor less sacred than the sacredness in me.
Sacredness is non-hierarchical. It permeates all things equally.
However, this gives rise to a second principle that is
paradoxical but equally important: Light manifests on the one hand as sacredness and wholeness and on the other as a diversity of
hierarchies and forms of energy; neither manifestation is more or less real than the other.
To use our earlier metaphor, the skin (the Light) is not more
real than the collection of diverse organs and systems of
interrelationship (the hierarchies of energies) that it covers and
holds. Of course, the reverse is equally true. Both Light and
energies are manifestations of the Sacred.
If the vertical approach to integration and wholeness
(“enlightenment”) works with mastering hierarchies of energy
and consciousness, then the horizontal approach is one of
seeking union directly with sacredness or the Light. But where
is this Light found? A vertical perspective of the world might
say, “at the top,” and indeed, there are spiritual and
metaphysical teachings that approach it that way: God and
sacredness are at the summit of creation, far removed from the
physical plane.
The horizontal perspective affirms that the sacred is everywhere
and in all things around us and within us. There is no place, or
no thing, where the sacred is not. At the same time, everything
manifests the energies of Light or of sacredness in different
ways and at different frequencies. This creates the “Sacred
Paradox” that something can exist simultaneously in two states,
a particular energy state and a Light or sacred state.
Thus, in my experience, the subtle body or energetic
emanations of many angels I’ve encountered is far more intense
and powerful—i.e. their “Light” is brighter—than how I
experience my own subtle energy field, just as my own subtle
energy field is far greater than the energy field of, say, a table in
my living room. Yet, our sacredness—the essence of Light in the
three of us—is the same and equal.
The task here is not to shift energies but to shift our felt sense of
identity to come into alignment with our innate sacredness and
the innate sacredness of our incarnation. How can we do this?
As I said earlier, when I started my work with John and his
colleagues, I was asked not to engage with vertical approaches
of energy work and change but to begin exploring a horizontal
approach. This began with the concepts of Sovereignty and Self-
Light plus an experience of collaboration with the subtle life
around me that eventually evolved into the exercise of Grail
Space; eventually, it became a set of principles, perspectives,
and practices that I called Incarnational Spirituality.
Sovereignty and Self-Light are important because they can give
an individual a starting place of feeling valuable and
meaningful. The Standing Exercise, which was the first IS
practice I developed, has nothing to do with attuning to subtle
energies or to one’s chi. It’s actually an exercise in attuning to a
different sense of identity. Standing in one’s Sovereignty is a
practice of acknowledging, accepting, and valuing one’s inner
authority and self-governance; it is an acknowledgment of the
unique gifts of life that only you can bring to the world.
John’s reasoning was that accepting and truly seeing oneself as
a sacred being could be too big a conceptual step—too big a
shift—for many people. But acknowledging that one had
uniqueness and value could be an easier first step, a place to
In Incarnational Spirituality, standing in Sovereignty is a step
towards experiencing an inner sacredness. Self-Light
acknowledges that we are each a generative source of spiritual
presence or Light. As a result of our incarnational process, we
each bring a unique expression and “flavor” of the Light of
sacredness into the world.
These two concepts and practices in IS do not directly reference
the Light Body, but they establish a foundation that can make it
more likely that we can acknowledge and attune to such a
presence within us. We have Sovereignty because we are sacred
beings and we radiate Light because we are sacred beings, and
because we are sacred beings, we possess a Body of Light that is
an intrinsic part of us.
Again, it’s important to understand that this Light Body is not
an expression of subtle energy; it is not another term for the
subtle body, for instance. It is the presence of the soul’s
sacredness—and thus of our sacredness—as an intrinsic part of
our incarnation.
Truly experiencing this is the beginning of the shift of identity
that is at the heart of the horizontal approach to wholeness.
Interestingly, one initial way of attuning to one’s Light Body is
through the use of our old friend, the imagination. If a person
visualizes (imagines) an aura of Light around them, its essence
permeating them, it can open a door to actually experiencing it
as a felt sense. Care must be taken not to turn it into another
thoughtform; I find it impossible to describe exactly what and
where the Light Body is within or around us. For me, it is the
felt sense of a presence, a sense of oneness with the Light of the
soul and the sacred. This in turn is a felt sense of love, of joy, of
hope, and of other qualities we associate with the sacred.
There are other ways of attuning to the Light Body as well. In
the practice of Grail Space, we are entering into a collaborative
self, a sharing of our energy and presence with other subtle
lives and energies around us. This creates a space between us—
the “Grail”—which can contain and radiate a greater degree of
Light than I could do on my own. Attuning to this space puts
me in touch with my own Light
The most important way we come to attunement with our own
Light body is through love, specifically loving ourselves. A
simple equation is that “God Loves, so when we love, we are
taking on and sharing the identity of God.”
In IS, there is a practice called “The Spectrum of Love.”
Basically, it says that love can take many forms, from simply
seeing and acknowledging another on the one hand all the way
up to a universal, unconditional love. The importance of the
Spectrum of Love is that it affirms that we don’t have to
experience a universal love in order to experience love as a
sacred act. We can experience this anywhere along this
spectrum. People who have told me they cannot love discover
that they can and do, they’d just been defining love in too
restricted or exalted a way.
The Spectrum of Love becomes an especially powerful exercise
when we apply it to ourselves. We may find it difficult to love
ourselves because of faults or failings we perceive; when seen
through the lens of the Spectrum, however, we discover that we
can love ourselves, even if we’re only able to do so in a tiny way.
Accepting this opens the door to love itself.
Very few of the practices of Incarnational Spirituality are about
working with subtle energies in a vertical way. They are about
finding and supporting ways of shifting our identity to that of
being a sacred person.
Those of us working with IS have found that when a person
makes that shift, it doesn’t necessarily solve all their problems,
make them a saint, or give them special magical powers. But it
does give them a new and different—and powerful—sense of
self and of their possibilities. It can open doors of expression
that previously were closed. Exactly what it does is unique for
each person as he or she embodies their Light Body in their
own individual way in relationship to the specific circumstances
of their lives. It can be empowering, healing and liberating.
We are culturally accustomed to equating sacredness with
power of some kind. But sacredness is really all about
relationship, creating those connections and relationships that
build and manifest wholeness, usually through love. A person
who sees themselves as sacred in this way becomes a presence
that creates wholeness, no matter how small or how large,
according to the situations and environments in which they find
themselves. They become a presence of blessing.
Blessings and Love Conrad
One of hundreds of sawdust carpets created for the communication of the Living Light from the “Heart of Nature emerging through the land” supporting the procession of the Nawals walking upon the Earth for the 30 hours of completing the “Cycles of Renewal.”