Images 60 Rilaj Maam
Images 60a-60L focus upon the Rilaj Maam “the great grandson of the Nawals” that assist us to live in the world through the Presence of Wisdom.
Image 60a The Rilaj Maam returns to its Ritual Temple after being out in the world for the last 72 hours participating in the energies of Renewal of Everything back into its new cycle.
Image 60b The Rilaj Maam is danced in the world completing the cycle of Renewal.
Image 60c & 60d Here you see the mouth of the Rilaj Maam, initially in it natural open way, and in 60d you see the tongue of the Rilaj Maam that emerged in a ritual I was performing. This has not happened in over 50 years.
Image 60e & 60f Each night the Rilaj Maam is placed in its bed to rest, sleep, and rejuvenate.
Image 60g – 60j the mystery behind the Rilaj Maam is hoe it body is constructed in patterns of threads and connections so that the various forces of Wisdom flows through each one of the major threads of connectivity.
Images 60k & 60L in 2009 and 2010 through a series of night dreams I had along with the elders of the Ritual Temple for the Rilaj Maam, to begin my initiations in the mystery behind this living force. I was the first non-Mayan and not living in the village to be initiated into these mysteries.