Conrad SatalaComment

2-Moon Solar Eclipse Blog 22 August 2017

Conrad SatalaComment
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Whenever I had time yesterday, I was moved to open my booklet and card deck of the “The Moon Oracle of the Sidhe.” John Matthews published this in2017 through Lorian Press. This was his second collaboration with his Sidhe Light Being Partners. His first series of contacts produce the image of the “Great Glyph,” and the book “The Sidhe: Wisdom from the Celtic Otherworld,” also published through Lorian Press 2004. 

I was focused upon Card 29 each time I visited the Oracle Cards. Returningdirectly to this image and its corresponding written information many timesthroughout yesterday. From the pre-dawn light of the day of the Eclipse, through the emerging Light of the day, to the actual full eclipse, until sleep, and up again at predawn 3:30 am today. Focusing upon Card 29 and its emerging message to me. 

The Lunar calendar for the ancient Maya, although it’s having beendiscovered in the early 1900’s, it has not been understood even in the most basic sense. The first known lunar cycle that has been identified begins in 320 AD. The accompany cycle of what the academics call the “Lords of the Night-the G series,” accompany the lunar cycles for the ancients’. 

The moon energies for my village of the Tz’utujiil Maya holds great importance, but also not fully understood. Where the full moon energies hold the importance of awakening the inner seeds. Both within the agricultural cycles. Both also within us as human beings. 


As we approached yesterday’s full eclipse, the emerging importance of the path of the Moon kept emerging into my awareness. A deep urging also has been growing within me since I began the initiations into becoming the primary carrier of the Martin Bundle. The primary holder of the Life Generating Energy from the Generative Source of the heart of the Living Universe behind everything for the Maya.

These urging was to create a series of blogs that will focus upon the ways to live within the emerging Path of the Moon, that is being awakened by this Full Solar Eclipse. 

This blog will incorporate the material of the Martin Bundle of the Tz’utujiil Maya, with the Lunar material within my village. 

Including will be material on what is both known and through by own subtle world contacts and observations of the ancient Maya around the ancient Lunar Calendar and the G Series. 

I will weave together the material of the Tz’utujiil Maya emerging world view through both was is known and also through my expanded relationships with the Nawals of the subtle world of Paq’alib’al-the otherworld of the Tz’utujiil Maya. 

Incorporating the Daily Wisdoms inherent in the 20 Daily Nawals in how to live a life through these cycles of 260 days. For I have explored these cycles in great detail since my initiation and meeting directly these contacts along with the 3 Nawals that brought into existence these 20 Nawal days. 

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For 2009 was a profound year for me. I went into a series of great initiations at Chutinamit and the great carved rock of the portals that exist within the landscape of the earth surrounding the Tz’utujiil Maya. I have explored these cycles of the 20 Daily Nawals since this meeting.

I will also weave this together into what it means to live our life as a Gaianeer – (gai’-a-nir’) n.  One who works in collaboration with a planetary community of physical and non-physical, human and non-human life to envision and unfold planetary wholeness.  
I will explore the living journey of Gaianeering - v. The work of preserving, healing, weaving, and forging new connectedness to foster greater wholeness in the world.

I will add within this weaved journey the information from the “Moon Oracle of the Sidhe” and my own Sidhe contact and observations around the Path of the Moon.

The last aspect will bring forth the awareness of the inner meaning of the Angel of America and its emerging path at this time. For the Angel of America-the over seer presence guiding this experiment of America since before its emergence in 1776.

As Card 29 explores the Great Glyph, see insert of photo, through the opening portal of the Stone Doorway. This allows us to experience the true light of the Moon. To strengthen once again our own inner light. Until we emerge into the strength within our own Light and our natural weaved nature between our self and all of Gaia. This is the emergence of who were truly are. For this is the path of the 29 days of the lunar light of the moon that the Sidhe is sharing with us. To both grow our own inner light so that we can become aware of the oneness and collaboration that exists for us between the Sidhe and Humans and our living relationship to Gaia. 

For further information on the Sidhe from both John Matthews, David Spangler, Jeremy Berg, Soren Hauge and others at this link:

Blessings and love


©All of the material in these blogs in all forms, written, audio, video, pictures, etc. are under the Copyright © 2017 by Conrad and Ilene Satala Seminars LLC, Fort Wayne, Indiana USA. All rights Reserved.