Conrad SatalaComment


Conrad SatalaComment
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Conrad's Blog is about my personal journey in how I explore the Emergence of interconnectivity to my daily life.

My deepest work at this time is first and foremost allowing my deepest sense of self to emerge and be present:

To allow the Emergence of my weaved relationship to form within my unique living spirit.

To allow the Emerging to be a weaved relationship with Gaia.

To allow the Emerging to be a weaved relationship with my Challenges, and my Sufferings.

To allow the Emergence with how the ME emerges as a weaved relationship to the I and the We.

To allow the Emergence of my deepest sense of self to be present within any activity I am engaged within in the course of the daily livingness of my life!

©All of the material in these blogs in all forms, written, audio, video, pictures, etc. are under the Copyright © 2018 by Conrad and Ilene Satala Seminars LLC, Fort Wayne, Indiana USA. All rights Reserved.